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This week at the Senate Estimates hearings, the ARC confirmed that in recent funding rounds for Discovery Projects, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and Future Fellows Awards, the then Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham denied funding to 11 projects recommended by the Australian Research Council. All of the projects were in the humanities, with a combined total proposed funding of 4.2 million dollars.
This action is very concerning, as is Senator Birmingham’s wil…
Thanks to all those members who took the time to complete the Mapping Research Opportunities in the Field of Education in Australia Survey. The Survey is now closed and the AARE Working party are in the process of analysing the data. The results of this work will be reported at the AARE Conference in Brisbane in December, 2019.
The AARE Conference Standing Committee met this morning and made the difficult decision to postpone the AARE 50th Anniversary Conference and Celebrations until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While we are disappointed that we will not be able to come together to share our research and collegiality in person, AARE will continue to support its special interest groups to conduct online workshops, seminars and networking events.

We will be working with SIG convenors to prepare a program of even…
News from the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG
Sociocultural and Activity Theory (SAT) SIG has changed the name to Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT). Sociocultural theory was used in the early days of the movement of Vygotsky’s ideas into America but now the theoretical, methodological and empirical family of theory who trace their lineage to Vygotsky have become known as cultural-historical & activity research. If your research involves the use of CHAT or you have int…
Media 101 
Ahead of the AARE Conference, MCERA CEO Dr Shannon Schedlich will run an hour-long session to introduce you to the basics of media engagement. 

As a researcher, it is important to be engaging with the media to assist with impact of your research

This session will cover who you should be talking to, how you can, and why it’s important. There will be discussion about the different pathways you can take, and how you can look at your research to frame for newsworthiness. 

This report shows the number of views of the ERIC records for AARE content and the number of PDF downloads (where if full text is permitted to display in ERIC).

These statistics are for the six-month period from July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

A view is counted whenever a user accesses the abstract.
A download is recorded whenever a user opens the PDF attached to the ERIC record.
This report is only for AARE content hosted on the ERIC digital library of education research at https://eric.ed…
We are very pleased to announce that the Conference Awards program for 2023 is now open.

This year, there are 6 awards available.  The due date for all award submissions will be August 31, 2023.

The Betty Watts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Award has returned to its original status as an award for excellence in research related to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander education.  This award is open for individual researchers or teams of researchers who present a paper a…
This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as the concerns and methods of education and youth research. It asks: what do we notice afresh and what comes into sharper view when temporality becomes a focal point? What theories and ways of seeing offer new angles onto temporality in interaction with space and place?

Please log in to get the member price.
The latest book in the AARE series Local/Global Issues in Education is now available to purchase. Temporality, Space and Place in Education and Youth Research - by Julie McLeod, Kate O’Connor, Nicole Davis, Amy McKernan. 

Members receive 50% discount on all books from the LGIE series through the AARE online bookshop (you must be logged in to receive the discount). 

Pre-order your copy now and it will be shipped when it arrives in Australia.
On May 15, AARE jointly hosted with ATEA and ACDE an online forum on ‘What counts as evidence in teacher education research and policy?’ We had a great turn-out, with close to 150 people joining in to hear our esteemed panellists: Prof Penny Van Bergen (Wollongong); Matthew Clarke (Aberdeen); Jenny Gore (Newcastle); and Sam Sellar (UniSa); with the panel ably chaired by Jo Lampert (Monash). The presentations offered compelling and diverse perspectives and prompted lots of engaged responses from…