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10 results found
Recent ARC Successes in Education
Our congratulations to all members and educational researchers who were successful in the 2022 ARC DP and Linkage schemes, and commiserations to those whose projects were not funded – preparing these applications is always a huge amount of intellectual and emotional labour. While outcomes according to FOR codes provide a guide to tracking the success of educational researchers in ARC schemes, it is not definitive.

Do we know about your success? Please advise t…
The ‘Protecting and extending research in education in Australia’ Working Party, established at the AARE Annual General Meeting in 2017, delivered its report to the AARE executive and members in May 2020 titled: The growing urgency of attending to the state of Education Research in Australian Higher Education.

AARE, as the peak professional body for education researchers in Australia, has strong interest in supporting high quality research and research capacity in the field of education in the…
Aim:The AARE Inclusive Education SIG aims to provide a forum for researchers in inclusive education to present research, collaborate and discuss current issues. The SIG endorses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) definition of inclusive education which is outlined in General Comment No. 4 on Article 24, as:

. . . a process of systemic reform embodying changes and modifications in content, teaching methods, approaches, structures and strategies in edu…
Aim:The Schools and Education Systems SIG provides a forum for AARE members from schools, universities, education sectors and policy contexts to network, collaborate, and identify areas of research need, with the goal of strengthening school-based research. We are interested in promoting the role of research in informing and improving policy and practice in schools and education systems as well as encouraging the active engagement of systems and schools as partners in research. With its strong c…
Ethics documents contained on this page are for your information/interest only. Placement on the AARE website does not constitute AARE endorsement. 

Guidelines for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies

American Educational Research Association Code of Ethics

The Australian Sociological Association Ethical Guidelines

Australasian Human Research Ethics Association

American Anthropological Association Ethics Resources

Association of Internet Researchers Ethics Guide

Office of the…
Each year AARE is invited to send a representative symposia to the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA). 

Purpose:  Such symposia are intended to showcase the quality of Australian education research and the selected symposium team should see themselves as ambassadors of AARE. 


Details of the fundingFunding round: annual for each conference

Applications due: varies, please refer to the call for applications notice

Aims:Our SIG aims to enliven understandings about teachers' and school leaders’ work and lives through research that is conducted by/with/for teachers. We recognise teachers as educators and educational team leaders working in diverse settings including early childhood, primary and secondary schools, skills training institutions, universities (in particular Initial Teacher Education), and other discrete or alternative settings. We use a range of theoretical and methodological frameworks to…
On 22 October 2021, the Australian Association for Research in Education hosted a seminar followed by an AARE members’ discussion: ‘Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and its relevance to AARE and members’.

The Australian Education Research Organisation was established in 2021 as ‘Australia’s national education evidence body, working towards excellent and equitable outcomes for all children and young people’ (Tehan, 2020). It has received $50 million over four years from the Comm…
Aim:This is to provide a broader space to discuss, explore ideas and debate qualitative methodological issues (such as ethics and research designs) in social and educational contexts. This change endeavours to address the wider spectrum of methodologies that are emerging and merging with others. The SIG welcomes exploration of all qualitative methodologies, including (but not limited to) action research, arts-based research, autoethnography, biographical research, case studies, decolonising meth…
AARE is a national professional association of educational researchers in Australia. Established in 1970, the association has provided support for successive generations of educational researchers from Australian universities; local, state and federal governments; early childhood education contexts; schools, colleges and training organisations; as well as private research agencies. Its objectives centre on advancing scholarly inquiry into education, enhancing quality in educational research, and…