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Aims:The Sociology of Education SIG aims to:

build a network of researchers interested in sociological approaches to research in education and to stimulate debate and discussion,
pursue opportunities for advancing sociological analysis of education and sociology of education in broad terms,
encourage and support postgraduates and early career researchers working in the field of sociology of education, and
provide a basis for streams on the sociology of education at AARE conferences.
Research in…
PurposeThis award recognises excellence in educational research by doctoral students. Normally only one award will be made each year. It is seen by the Association as a way of recognising the high-quality contribution made to educational knowledge by graduate students, and at the same time promoting dissemination of research.

Originally known as the AARE Award for Doctoral Research in Education, the first award was made in 1989. In 2014 the Award was renamed in honour of Dr Ray Debus, AARE foun…
News from the Global Contexts for Education SIG, STEM Education SIG; and the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG
We would like to draw attention to upcoming events organized jointly by the Global Contexts for Education SIG, STEM Education SIG; and the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG. These activities are supported by a grant from AARE. 

1. Online seminar: A cultural-historical perspectives on STEM imagining and learning: Conceptual PlayWorlds in primary schools

Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews

Director of Indigenous Research, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Leadership

Western Sydney University

‘Knowledge’ about Indigenous pathology circulates as strategic truth in the race war to rationalise the continuing subjugation of the Indigenous population and encourage non-Indigenous investment in patriarchal white sovereignty (Moreton-Robinson, 2009, p.72).

It was during a meeting that I started to consider writing of the NAIDOC theme Get Up! Stand U…
DO NOT USE THIS PAGE FOR EARLIER CONFERENCES USE BLOCKS2017 Conference, Hotel Realm, Canberra ACTKeynote Speaker Yvette Taylor
Dangerous Education: The occupational hazards of teaching queerlyView presentation

Keynote Speaker Nerida BlairResearching and storying in the in-between space: people not politicsView presentation

Keynote Speaker Greg NobleDoing diversity differently: multicultural education for a culturally complex worldView presentation

To view the Radford Lecture from Margaret Som…
RationaleWith the shifting landscape in education, learning has increasingly been seen more so as a “career” where students are expected to take more responsibility of their learning and future employment. In addition, given the opportunity, students may be able to negotiate new ways and possibilities to achieve successful and sustainable educational outcomes across and within various spaces. As such, important critical questions around student voice are being raised, discussed and debated and i…
Dear members,

I hope this newsletter finds you in good spirits despite continued tough times for health and wellbeing.
Finehaus have been providing strong support and we have been updating and filling gaps in AARE policies and processes and creating sustainable resources for each executive portfolio to ensure efficient handover and induction for new executive members. Please note that a number of roles are open for election soon, so please consider nominating.

In June we took part in a…
Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and Community of Associate Deans Research in Education (cADRE), a subgroup of the Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE) are co-convening a national summit on 29 and 30 June in Adelaide at UniSA. This summit will bring together 80 senior education researchers from across Australia, including the Executive and senior members of AARE, and members of cADRE and ACDE. The purpose of the summit is to explore responses to existing and eme…
Professor Alison Lee, who passed away in 2012, is remembered for her strong advocacy for research training opportunities, including networking, for novice researchers. She was a member of the AARE Executive and was passionate about the pedagogy of doctoral education. Her research focused on the changing nature of the university and how this related to the world of work, the professions and social participation. She emphasised strong critical educational research and practice and promoted the dev…
This free seminar series consists of seven 1-hour online seminars via Zoom on the topic of decentring the human in qualitative research methodologies. Each seminar features a presentation by a guest speaker who has experience with decentring the human in the context of qualitative research methodologies in educational research. Each seminar will also be followed by a debriefing session (see below for information).

The seminar series is inspired by Kuby and Bozalek’s (2023) webinar series that a…