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10 results found
Children and Student Voice Conference 2020 Date: Monday 7 – Wednesday 9 December 2020

Time: 7.30 am to 11.00 am AEST and 8.30 am to 12 noon AEDT

Conference overview and aimAs economies and schools emerge from the pandemic, it is time to take an opportunity to examine how schools effectively support the needs of students by including their voices in the reshaping and rebuilding activities that are taking place.  Building on our commitment to empower children and student voice, agency and partic…
Aim:The Arts Education Practice and Research (AEPR) special interest group aims to facilitate networking opportunities, the dissemination of knowledge and creative collaborations amongst arts educators and arts education researchers across and beyond Australia.  We are keen to establish strong national cross-institutional links to foster future research partnerships within the Arts; particularly as the field approaches an increasingly significant period of discussion on the place of Arts Educati…
Rationale:The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Special Interest Group (SIG) was founded at the Adelaide Conference of AARE in 2013.  Since then, we have worked to increase the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation within AARE including an Aboriginal Interpretive Tour and an Indigenous Keynote Speaker.  Our Indigenous led SIG brings together both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous peoples, inclusive of Masters and PhD Research students, early car…
Conference Paper Awards in 2024AARE will be offering the following Conference Paper Awards in 2024. The purpose of these awards is to encourage, acknowledge, and recognise the quality work of AARE members. 

Award categories include:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Researcher Award
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Postgraduate Researcher Award
Betty Watts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Award
Early Career Researcher Award  
Postgraduate Researcher Award  
The Australian Government has announced that it will support projects in Australian society, history and culture under the Australian Research Council Special Research Initiatives scheme.

A total of $12 million has been allocated for this initiative for up to three years. The Government anticipates this initiative will fund around 40 projects.

There is currently limited information available about this initiative.

In a media release, the Minister for Education indicated that applications fo…
Do you want to get your research in the news media? The Media Centre for Education Research Australia (MCERA) is able to help. 

MCERA is 'committed to improving the quality of research-informed education reporting in the news media' and is able to 'promote individual pieces of research in the media'.

AARE is a sponsor of this independent, not-for-profit national organisation. As the degree of support offered by MCERA in promoting your work is related to sponsorship, AARE fi…
Assessing Australia Research Council Grant Applications

Did you know that many Australian Education researchers provide feedback in ARC assessment reports, which is putting applications at risk of not being funded? 

At the recent Australian Education Research Leaders’ Summit, the assessment of ARC applications was discussed. Informal advice from previous ARC College of Experts indicates that, in Education we could do better in the way we provide assessments.
For example, many Australia…
The Australian Association for Research in Education was founded in 1970 as the voice of education researchers. Our members are educational researchers from Australian universities, local, state and federal governments, early childhood education contexts, schools, colleges and training organisations as well as private research agencies.

Some founding members perspectives:

Michael Dunkin, AARE founding member, former President and now Honorary Life Member of AARE: Read his 2010 memoir of his li…
We invite our valued past and present members of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) to renew your AARE membership now to take advantage of a discount on your annual membership fee.

The extraordinary work of our SIGs and the range of events scheduled across 2023-2024 point to the benefits of membership, as do last year’s successful AARE conference in Adelaide and this year’s Melbourne conference in November.

Membership is vital to ensure we can strengthen the work of th…
Aim: The SIG aims to:

promote, encourage and facilitate research in educational leadership, management and administration;
foster collaborative research in educational leadership and management among members (and friends) of AARE, academic and practitioner;
develop networks of researchers interested in educational leadership and management; and
establish a forum within AARE to share research in this area eg. AARE Conference Symposiums.
Research interests:Research Interests among members include…