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10 results found
2023 Competitive Grants AwardedCongratulations to the following SIGs for their successful applications for Competitive Grants in the 2023/2024 SIG Round:

Arts Education Practice Research SIG - $5,000.00Contact/Convenors: Kate Coleman, Peter Cook

The SIG will run a one-day workshop and seminar: ‘Creativity, Science of learning, and Artificial Intelligence: What would Maxine Greene do?’’

The aim of this innovative and participatory event is to dive deep into contemporary issues related to creat…
Hosted by the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Qualitative Research Methodologies Special Interest Group Convenors:

Dr Sheena Elwick, Charles Sturt University, Albury/Wodonga, Australia
Dr Keith Heggart, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
This free seminar series consists of seven 1-hour online seminars via Zoom on the topic of decentring the human in qualitative research methodologies. Each seminar features a presentation by a guest speaker who has experience wi…
Strong Beginnings: Report of the Teacher Education Expert Panel (2023)The recently released Report of the Teacher Education Expert Panel (2023, the Scott Report) makes a number of recommendations that look set to have a significant impact on the design, purpose and provision of initial teacher education.

AARE emphasises the need for a robust and comprehensive research base to inform the direction of initial teacher education programs. This must take account of the breadth of expertise available…
Aims:The Sociology of Education SIG aims to:

build a network of researchers interested in sociological approaches to research in education and to stimulate debate and discussion,
pursue opportunities for advancing sociological analysis of education and sociology of education in broad terms,
encourage and support postgraduates and early career researchers working in the field of sociology of education, and
provide a basis for streams on the sociology of education at AARE conferences.
Research in…
Aim:The Politics and Policy in Education SIG provides a space within which AARE members can present, discuss and debate research on the production, enactment and impacts of politics and policy in relation to educational issues. The SIG includes members engaged in quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, critical, ethnographic and comparative methodological approaches. It brings together researchers from a broad variety of disciplines and professional areas to foster and support the conduct, coll…
Children and Student Voice Conference 2020 Date: Monday 7 – Wednesday 9 December 2020

Time: 7.30 am to 11.00 am AEST and 8.30 am to 12 noon AEDT

Conference overview and aimAs economies and schools emerge from the pandemic, it is time to take an opportunity to examine how schools effectively support the needs of students by including their voices in the reshaping and rebuilding activities that are taking place.  Building on our commitment to empower children and student voice, agency and partic…
We are very sad to have to pass on the news that Professor Peter Fensham passed away on 23 August 2021 aged 93 years. Peter was one of the 123 founding members of AARE, as a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. In 1991, Peter delivered the Radford Lecture, titled “Common Sense Knowledge: A Challenge to Research” that sounds as topical today as it undoubtedly was then.

Peter contributed enormously to education and education research in Australia. He was Professor of Scienc…
Local/Global Issues in Education is the AARE Book Series, established in 2015 and published by Routledge.  

Editor: Professor Greg Thompson

Editor: Professor Marcia McKenzie

Editor: Dr Katie Maher

Editor: Dr Samantha Shulz

Local/Global Issues in Education investigates the interplay between the local and the global in contemporary education policy and practice. While processes of globalisation are transforming local education systems, the local cannot be conceived of as homogeneous or passiv…