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2023 Student Voice Symposium

Partnership opportunities across the curriculum

In association with ACSV and REDI

The 2023 Student Voice Symposium will focus on “partnership opportunities”, across two focus areas: curriculum and pedagogy. This symposium will take on a different format to previous years, being spread across three days, over three weeks. Each webinar session will hear from a different expert in the field, followed by a Q&A session. Sessions 1 and 2 will take…
On May 15, AARE jointly hosted with ATEA and ACDE an online forum on ‘What counts as evidence in teacher education research and policy?’ We had a great turn-out, with close to 150 people joining in to hear our esteemed panellists: Prof Penny Van Bergen (Wollongong); Matthew Clarke (Aberdeen); Jenny Gore (Newcastle); and Sam Sellar (UniSa); with the panel ably chaired by Jo Lampert (Monash). The presentations offered compelling and diverse perspectives and prompted lots of engaged responses from…


Researchers are increasingly interested in engaging with and communicating their research to a wide range of audiences and stakeholder groups. AARE members have identified a need to strengthen our individual and collective capabilities in working effectively with government, the media and philanthropic organisations. In response, we have developed the following program of seminars for members, beginning July 23.

Each seminar features inpu…
AARE is pleased to announce that NZARE have invited AARE to send a representative symposium for the 2024 NZARE Annual Conference. The Conference will take place on the 25th to 27th of November, 2024 at Waikato University, Hamilton Campus, New Zealand.

This invitation comes as a part of a long-standing relationship between NZARE and AARE. Both Associations are committed to facilitating strong connections between members.

Being invited to represent AARE in an international forum is a high honour…
The AARE Executive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience. 
We invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee.  
AARE’s volunteer office bearers play an integral role in enabling the association to advance its mission and purpose and to meet its corporate and legal obligations. Nominations for the following positions on th…
The Poststructural Theory SIG and Global Contexts in Education SIG warmly invite you to attend our free hybrid workshop, Intersections of theory and practice: Navigating post-structuralist and post-humanist approaches in diverse contexts!

Date: Thursday 17th October 2024 

Time: 4-6pm AEDT for the workshop, followed by a social component from 6-7pm AEDT


Australian Catholic University, Melbourne campus, room to be confirmed (in-person) 
 Zoom (online), link will be provided upon regist…
PurposeThe AARE Postgraduate Student Researcher Award recognises an outstanding paper given by a Postgraduate Student at the AARE Annual Conference.

AARE Postgraduate Student Researcher Awards are available to assist postgraduate students to attend and participate in the annual AARE Conference.

AwardFunding round: single round per annum

Applications due: 11:59pm on 30 August, 2024

Status of round: Closed

Benefits to Awardee: Certificate and up to $1,000 to assist with conference attendance…
The Complex Links Between Community and Young People's Aspirations for Higher Education
For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander HDR & ECR ResearchersOverview and purposeAARE is pleased to offer bursaries to support conference attendance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are full time HDR Students or early career researchers in 2024. These are open to both members and non-members of AARE.

The AARE Conference Bursary program is part of AARE initiatives aimed to address equity issues in the education sector.

The 2024 AARE Conference is being held at Macqua…
FYI – NAEEA (National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia) Conference – 5th and 6th December, University of South Australia, Adelaide

On behalf of the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA) organising committee, we invite you to consider attending the NAEEA 2022 Conference. This conference follows on three days after the AARE conference finishes, so why not stay in Adelaide for a few extra days and attend both conferences? 

With a highly relevant and top…