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You searched for "Higher education reform "

10 results found
AARE provides an annual funding scheme to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) each year upon application and selection.

SIG FundingAARE encourages SIGs to explore different ways of achieving scholarly research capacity building outcomes for SIG members, AARE members and the wider education research community. To support such endeavours, AARE provides an annual funding scheme.

Purpose: These grants are primarily intended as a means of supporting SIGs to contribute to the scholarly research capacity…
While the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the information on this site is accurate, it gives no warranty or guarantee that the material, information or publication made accessible is accurate.

AARE accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered as a result of direct or indirect use or application of any material, publication or information made accessible via its web site.

AARE provides link…
Customer services policyThis online merchant is located in Australia.

The policy below relates to the sale of goods and services by the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)

Pricing policy1. Country of domicile

AARE is an Australian association incorporated in South Australia. The AARE Office is located in the Australian Capital Territory.

2. Currency used in transactions

All transactions are completed using Australian Dollars (AUD$) and through the Australian banking syst…
AARE Members, log in to receive 50% discount on all book titles from the Local/Global Issues in Education series.
PurposeThis award aims to acknowledge significant leadership in and contribution to building the fields of sexuality, gender and queer research in education within the Australian context. The motivation to create this award emerged from the view that given the developing status of these research fields it is important to establish mechanisms through which contributions to and leadership within these fields can be promoted and acknowledged.

We acknowledge that the politics of awards are problema…
PurposeEduResearch Matters Blog/Blogger of the Year Award recognises an outstanding contribution to public understanding and debate of educational issues.

Merit criteriaConsideration will be given to:

Quality of blog submission/s
Ideas and argument
Selection processThe Judging panel consists of the Communications Coordinator for the Australian Association for Research in Education and the EduResearch Matters Editor. The panel’s decision will be final and no further corres…
AARE is engaged in activities to promote and advocate for the positive impact of educational research on policy and practice in education and associated areas of society.
This week at the Senate Estimates hearings, the ARC confirmed that in recent funding rounds for Discovery Projects, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and Future Fellows Awards, the then Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham denied funding to 11 projects recommended by the Australian Research Council. All of the projects were in the humanities, with a combined total proposed funding of 4.2 million dollars.
This action is very concerning, as is Senator Birmingham’s wil…
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A new title in the Local and Global Issues in Education book series is now available at the special discounted rate of $35 for AARE members and $40 for non-members.

Edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho, John Sweller. Cognitive load theory uses our knowledge of how people learn, think and solve problems to design instruction. In turn, instructional design is the central activity of classroom teachers, of curriculum designers, and of publishers of textbooks and educational materials,…