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You searched for "Under the MicroSCOPE: Research into a Middle Years Innovation in a Rural Secondary College"

9 results found
This book highlights the innovative approach being undertaken by researchers from the disparate fields of neuroscience, education and psychology working together to gain a better understanding of how we learn, and its potential to impact student learning outcomes.

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We are moving very quickly towards our first face to face conference in two years. With 765 full conference registrations and 125 pre-conference registrations currently, everything is set for a great AARE Conference at University of South Australia, City West Campus. 

With ONE month to go please ensure that you have registered, booked your flight tickets and accommodation.  The Conference App is now being assembled and the link will become available in time for you to check it out and plan yo…
AARE is happy to announce a new initiative that has been launched in conjunction with the opening of conference registration. The Lend a Hand program will ask those people registering for the conference to make a small contribution via a special link attached to this image. This money will be used by AARE to offer bursaries to help subsidise non and low waged ECR and Postgraduate students attendance at the AARE conference. One hundred percent of money raised will go towards these bursaries, eith…
AARE thanked retiring Secretary Debby Cunningham by awarding her an Honorary Life Membership Award at the conference held in December. Debby had held the position of Sectretary of AARE for more thank 20 years
The Lend a Hand program asks those people registering for the conference to make a small contribution. This money will be used by AARE to offer bursaries to help subsidise non and low waged ECR and Postgraduate students attendance at the AARE conference. One hundred percent of money raised will go towards these bursaries, either for the current year or subsequent years
AARE is seeking an outstanding scholar to take on a role as Series Editor (General) working alongside, Professor Greg Thompson (QUT) and Associate Professor Jessica Gerrard. The initial appointment will be for 3 years with the possibility of a further or extended term if interested.

For further information regarding the position click here.

Applications should be sent to by June 1st, 2022 marked Local/Global Issues in Education.

It is expected that the successful candi…
We are keen to know of Awards presented to members. There are so many amazing people among the membership and your successes provide inspiration for the rest of us. Don’t be shy to share your wonderful stories, send them to us

AARE Secretary and executive member Emeritus Professor John Lester, a Wonnarua Elder, has received the NSW Department Executive Director, School Performance Excellence Award for his work as Elder in Residence at Adamstown Primary school. Just a hint of t…
AARE is seeking an outstanding scholar to take on a role as Series Editor (General) working alongside, Professor Greg Thompson (QUT) and Professor Marcia McKenzie (University of Melbourne). This follows the conclusion of Associate Professor Jessica Gerrard’s term as series editor. We sincerely thank Jess for her commitment to advancing the series and all her work in the role.
The initial appointment will be for 3 years with the possibility of a further or extended term subject to consideration…
AARE is seeking an outstanding scholar to take on a role as Series Editor, working alongside Professor Marcia McKenzie (University of Melbourne) and Dr Samantha Schulz  (University of Adelaide). This follows the conclusion of Professor Greg Thompson’s term as Series Editor. We sincerely thank Greg for his commitment to advancing the series and all his work in the role. As an inaugural Editor for the series, Greg has been integral to the direction and positive outcomes of the series to date. We a…