You searched for "Under the MicroSCOPE: Research into a Middle Years Innovation in a Rural Secondary College"
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AARE provides members with a variety of funding opportunities. The opportunity to apply for these funding schemes is a benefit for members of the Association. The opportunities include:
Special Interest Group (SIG) funding
Representative symposiums
Scholarships and bursaries
Special Projects Funding
Further information, including selection criteria and processes, as well as information about previous funded projects and outcomes is available on the relevant pages.
Special Interest Group (SIG) funding
Representative symposiums
Scholarships and bursaries
Special Projects Funding
Further information, including selection criteria and processes, as well as information about previous funded projects and outcomes is available on the relevant pages.
AARE Members, log in to receive 50% discount on all book titles from the Local/Global Issues in Education series.
How might educational leaders and teacher improve literacy achievement in schools serving communities experiencing high levels of poverty? This question is the focus of this book. Drawing on long-term case studies of four primary schools located in these communities, this book describes the difference between what is commonly practiced and those practices that have a greater chance of supporting young people's literacy learning.
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Includes postage and packing in Australia
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How might educational leaders and teacher improve literacy achievement in schools serving communities experiencing high levels of poverty? This question is the focus of this book. Drawing on long-term case studies of four primary schools located in these communities, this book describes the difference between what is commonly practiced and those practices that have a greater chance of supporting young people's literacy learning.
Includes postage and packing in Australia
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Includes postage and packing in Australia
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AARE has launched a new website
The Photo Gallery provides a visual record of AARE's annual activities:
2023 Annual Conference - Melbourne
2019 Annual Conference - Brisbane
2023 Annual Conference - Melbourne
2019 Annual Conference - Brisbane