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You searched for "Under the MicroSCOPE: Research into a Middle Years Innovation in a Rural Secondary College"

8 results found
Much has been researched, written and debated about what it means to be a ‘good’ teacher. Conversations in Australia continue around quality teaching and teacher quality and the way we educate our teachers. Governments at national and state levels have specifically designed and established teacher accreditation regimes to produce ‘good’ teachers.
Challenges for Public Education examines the educational leadership, policy and social justice implications of these trends in Australia and internationally. It maps this movement through early shifts to school-based management in Australia, New Zealand and Sweden and recent moves such as the academies programme in England and charter schools in the United States. It draws on recent studies of a distinct new phase in Australian school reform – the creation of ‘independent public schools’ (IPS) i…
In Australia children with disabilities have the right to be consulted about what can be done to help them participate fully in school life.
AARE Executive - call for nominations, SIG Coordinator 

AARE welcomes people interested in becoming a member of the AARE Executive, in the role of Special Interest Group (SIG) Coordinator, to nominate by Monday 25 February 2019. This role will be for one year initially with the opportunity to re nominate for a further term if willing.    
AARE acknowledges that the SIG's are the backbone of the Association and as such the SIG Coordinator has an important role and as such provides signific…
Recently a submission was made by AARE to the Coaldrake Review of Higher Education Provider Standards. More details about the review can be found at

The submission was led by Annette Woods. Thanks to all of the members who offered suggestions and expertise. Special mention of Marie Brennan, Bev Rogers, Lew Zippin, Solphie Rudolf, Robyn Henderson, Michelle Simons and Sue Nicholls who have read drafts, offered sugge…
The Complex Links Between Community and Young People's Aspirations for Higher Education
Teacher performance-linked pay, teacher performance generally and student achievement – these are three issues that are never far from the headlines. But are the debates founded on sound evidence or merely the thought bubbles of politicians and populist commentators? Link to the video
Professor Peter Renshaw invites everyone to attend the #AARE2019 conference and become involved in dialogue and story-sharing before, during and after his lecture.

To register for #AARE2019 visit our website: