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You searched for "Under the MicroSCOPE: Research into a Middle Years Innovation in a Rural Secondary College"

9 results found
About the symposium

This 2 hour online symposium is being convened by the AARE Professional and Higher Education SIG co-convenors. The first question that we consider is whether conferences have gone missing at all. Is it possible that the routine work of face-to-face conferences has been distributed across new platforms for gathering academics and disseminating knowledge? What affordances do these new forms of gathering promise? What are their limits? The second question we consider is this: c…
Congratulations to the following members who have been appointed to the AER Editorial Team following our recent call for Expressions of Interest.

Associate EditorsCathie Burgess, University of Sydney
Emma Burns, Macquarie University
Steven Lewis, Deakin University

ECR EditorsAbbey Cruickshank, University of Tasmania
Troy Heffernan, LaTrobe University
Melitta Hogarth, University of Melbourne
Katrina Thorpe, University of Technology, Sydney

We warmly welcome the new members of the Editorial Tea…
AARE is pleased to announce that registrations for the 2021 conference are now open. Registration rates:
$200 AARE Member
$150 Concessional 
$350 Non-Member

Register here
Register to attend the Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Fifty first Annual General Meeting of Members of the Association will be held as follows: 
Where: online
When: Wednesday 1 December 2021, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. 
The AGM is open to all financial members of the Association.
It is important that all AARE members have the opportunity to consider these motions and attend the AGM. 
A copy of all of the above files are also on the AARE website members page.
Please r…
‘National Reconciliation Week—27 May to 3 June—is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.’

Nobody could fail to miss that in his first words as the new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese committed to the ‘Uluru Statement from the heart' in full.  The Statement highlights three key objectives – a voice to Parliament, treaty, a…
FYI – NAEEA (National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia) Conference – 5th and 6th December, University of South Australia, Adelaide

On behalf of the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA) organising committee, we invite you to consider attending the NAEEA 2022 Conference. This conference follows on three days after the AARE conference finishes, so why not stay in Adelaide for a few extra days and attend both conferences? 

With a highly relevant and top…
We are pleased to announce the new appointment of Prof Marcia McKenzie to the editorial team of the AARE Local/Global Issues in Education Routledge book series. The series is dedicated to publishing high-quality empirical, theoretical and conceptual work that emanates from Australia that speaks to global issues and debates. The series is sponsored by AARE, and titles are available to purchase here. Marcia will join existing editors, Professor Greg Thompson and Associate Professor Jessica Gerrard…
Teacher shortages - what is the real issue and how can it be rectified?

MCERA hosted Professor Claire Wyatt-Smith of ACU, the University of Newcastle's Professor Susan Ledger (member of the NSW Council of Deans of Education) and Professor Jenny Gore (AARE member), and Associate Professor Jane Hunter of UTS talking about the underlying issues of the current teacher shortage.

A recording of the discussion can be found here.

Warm regards

Dr Shannon Schedlich
Chief Executive
Ph: 0434 436 08…
The Complex Links Between Community and Young People's Aspirations for Higher Education