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You searched for "Under the MicroSCOPE: Research into a Middle Years Innovation in a Rural Secondary College"

9 results found
Working towards equity of access to higher education remains a fundamental issue of social justice. Despite substantial efforts to redress historical exclusions via a wealth of government and institutional policies, longstanding enrolment patterns persist and new forms of inequality have emerged in a deeply stratified system. Community Matters: The Complex Links Between Community and Young People’s Aspirations for Higher Education offers a new lens on equity of access.

Includes postage and pack…
The latest book in the AARE series Local/Global Issues in Education is now available to purchase. Community Matters: The Complex Links Between Community and Young People’s Aspirations for Higher Education is by Jennifer Gore, Sally Patfield, Leanne Fray and Jess Harris. Learn more about the book and if you are a member (or you need to renew your membership), you can purchase at a discounted price through our membership portal.
The 2023 available grants to support SIG initiatives include Major+, Major and Minor grants:

Applications for smaller grant amounts will also be considered.

For more information please refer to the AARE website. 

Queries regarding applications, or possible uses for competitive funding should be directed to the SIG Coordinator at
AARE is pleased to provide a conference bursary program to support conference attendance in 2023.  Applications due: Friday 23rd June 2023.

This program is offered as a way of reaching new members and as a service to existing AARE members. The program is in recognition of the equity issues faced by postgraduate students and early career researchers in the current Higher Education context.

The 2023 AARE Conference is being held at Melbourne University 26-30 November. The Call for abstracts is…
Dear AARE Members,

As part of good governance of a progressive, consultative, member Association, the Executive of AARE undertakes to review the Association’s constitution at regular intervals. 

The review of an Association’s Constitution should help to ensure that the Association’s practices and rules keep pace with the context and environment within which the Association is undertaking its business, member expectations, and also that the Association complies with its legal requirements. …
Working towards equity of access to higher education remains a fundamental issue of social justice. Despite substantial efforts to redress historical exclusions via a wealth of government and institutional policies, longstanding enrolment patterns persist and new forms of inequality have emerged in a deeply stratified system. Community Matters: The Complex Links Between Community and Young People’s Aspirations for Higher Education offers a new lens on equity of access.

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