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You searched for "Under the MicroSCOPE: Research into a Middle Years Innovation in a Rural Secondary College"

8 results found
The AARE 2024 Conference Welcome Reception will be held at the U-Bar, located in the heart of Macquarie University's Central Courtyard, where drinks and canapes will be served.

Sunday 1 December
5.00 - 7.00pm
Entry is included in your registration.  As this is a catered event, please let us know if you are not attending.

Visit the AARE Conference website for the full Conference Program.
The 2024 AARE Conference is on our doorstep, and we look forward to welcoming you to the lovely grounds of Macquarie University. Please start your conference journey by registering on arrival at the Michael Kirby building.

Reminder to BYO laptop if you are presenting at the Conference
Please remember to bring your own laptop for your presentation.
Your laptop must have the ability to connect a HDMI cable, to display your slideshow/presentation.  If it doesn’t, please bring an adapter.  There wi…
The 2025 AARE conference will be held in Newcastle from 30th November – 4th December, so please save these dates in your calendar. The key venue will be the University of Newcastle City Campus, located in the CBD.

For those unfamiliar with Newcastle, it’s an easy two-hour drive up the coast from Sydney. We have Newcastle Airport, with direct flights from most capital cities, convenient public transport options and many great accommodation options. Better yet, we have many fantastic tourist site…