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You searched for "masters towards a antional"

10 results found
AARE is engaged in activities to promote and advocate for the positive impact of educational research on policy and practice in education and associated areas of society.
AARE has launched a new website
This week at the Senate Estimates hearings, the ARC confirmed that in recent funding rounds for Discovery Projects, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and Future Fellows Awards, the then Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham denied funding to 11 projects recommended by the Australian Research Council. All of the projects were in the humanities, with a combined total proposed funding of 4.2 million dollars.
This action is very concerning, as is Senator Birmingham’s wil…
2023 Conference - Melbourne UniversityRecordings: Radford Lecture, Keynote presentation

Radford LectureProfessor Mary Lou Rasmussen, Australian National University
Queer Public Pedagogies: Educating the Nation about Gender, Sex and Sexualities.

Keynote PresentationProfessor Neil Selwyn, Monash University
Resetting our research agendas.
DO NOT USE THIS PAGE FOR EARLIER CONFERENCES USE BLOCKS2017 Conference, Hotel Realm, Canberra ACTKeynote Speaker Yvette Taylor
Dangerous Education: The occupational hazards of teaching queerlyView presentation

Keynote Speaker Nerida BlairResearching and storying in the in-between space: people not politicsView presentation

Keynote Speaker Greg NobleDoing diversity differently: multicultural education for a culturally complex worldView presentation

To view the Radford Lecture from Margaret Som…
2023 Competitive Grants AwardedCongratulations to the following SIGs for their successful applications for Competitive Grants in the 2023/2024 SIG Round:

Arts Education Practice Research SIG - $5,000.00Contact/Convenors: Kate Coleman, Peter Cook

The SIG will run a one-day workshop and seminar: ‘Creativity, Science of learning, and Artificial Intelligence: What would Maxine Greene do?’’

The aim of this innovative and participatory event is to dive deep into contemporary issues related to creat…
Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Workshop 2018PresentationsNaomi Barnes

Video of presentation

Leanne Holt

Video of presentation

Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Workshop 2017PresentationsGlenn Savage

Video of presentation

In this keynote address, Dr. Glenn Savage will explore the various challenges, possibilities and frustrations facing early career researchers as they seek to navigate the complex terrain of research funding in Australia and beyond. Based on his journey fro…
The Photo Gallery provides a visual record of AARE's annual activities: 

2023 conference - Melbourne
2019 Annual Conference
Education for a socially just worldSunday 1 - Thursday 5 December 2019
Queensland University of Technology
Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane Australia
Much has been researched, written and debated about what it means to be a ‘good’ teacher. Conversations in Australia continue around quality teaching and teacher quality and the way we educate our teachers. Governments at national and state levels have specifically designed and established teacher accreditation regimes to produce ‘good’ teachers.