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You searched for "masters towards a antional"

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Strong Beginnings, the Report of the Teacher Education Expert Panel was released in July 2023 and has attracted considerable public attention and debate among education researchers and those involved in initial teacher education.

AARE members have been prominent contributors to these discussions.    

AARE and ATEA held a joint online forum on Tuesday 1st August, featuring five distinguished academics responding to the highly anticipated TEEP Report.

Watch the recording

The event brought toge…
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Executive Committee is seeking to fill a casual vacancy for the portfolio position of Research Development Coordinator.  The term of appointment will be to fulfil the current term through to the date of the 2024 Annual General Meeting.  

Please find attached a Position Description for the Research Development Coordinator.

The Executive Management Team is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from AARE members to be appointed to fi…
AARE Executive Committee Election 2023The AARE Executive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience.

We invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee. 
>> 2023 Call for nominations for the AARE Executive

AARE’s volunteer office bearers play an integral role in enabling the association to advance its mission and purpose an…
PurposeThe Technology and Learning SIG awards acknowledge outstanding conference papers in the field of technology and learning research in education within the Australian context.

There are two awards, one is for an early career researcher and the other award is for a mid-career researcher.

The awards were established to encourage researchers to present their research at the annual conference and to become actively involved in the Technology and Learning SIG.

AwardFunding round: single round…
Notice of the 53rd Annual General MeetingNotice is hereby given that the fifty-third Annual General Meeting of members of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) will be held as follows:

Date: Wednesday 29th November 2023

Time: 5.30pm AEDT

Location: In person: Carrillo Ganter Theatre (B02), Level B1, Sidney Myer Asia Centre (Building 158), University of Melbourne MAP

The AGM is open to all financial members of the Association.

All members who wish to attend are asked to…
This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as the concerns and methods of education and youth research. It asks: what do we notice afresh and what comes into sharper view when temporality becomes a focal point? What theories and ways of seeing offer new angles onto temporality in interaction with space and place?

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The AARE conference paper archive is currently undergoing maintenance.

Please contact the AARE Office if you have a related query, via
As in previous years, the American Educational Research Association (AERA) has invited AARE to submit a representative symposium for inclusion in their annual conference – which next year will be held in person from April 11-14 in Philadelphia, PA. 

As you will likely know, acceptance into the AERA program is very competitive and we are delighted that AARE has the opportunity to profile some of our leading research through this process. It is also part of strengthening our links with major inte…
AARE Members wishing to contact the Executive Committee, ask questions or raise items of business can email

The AARE Executive Committee controls and manages the affairs of the Association.

The Executive Committee consists of the elected and appointed office-bearers of the Association as listed at the AARE Website:
The Executive Management Team meets fortnightly and is authorised by the Executive Committee to undertake day to day business activities:

Management of association funds;
Authorisation of financial transactions;
Signing of documents and contracts;
Planning and development of policies and actions plans in accordance with decisions of the Executive Committee and the Association’s General Meeting.
The AARE Executive Management Team consists of the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and eithe…