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PurposeThe Motivation and Learning SIG is keen to encourage Honours or postgraduate degree students to present high quality papers in this area at the annual conference. To achieve this aim, we are offering up to 2 student awards for excellent conference presentations each year. Students from all geographic regions are eligible to apply for this award.  Winners will receive a Certificate of Excellence.

Funding round: single round per annum

Applications due: 31 August each year

Status of fundi…
AARE provides members with a variety of funding opportunities. The opportunity to apply for these funding schemes is a benefit for members of the Association.  The opportunities include:

Special Interest Group (SIG) funding
Representative symposiums
Scholarships and bursaries
Special Projects Funding 
Further information, including selection criteria and processes, as well as information about previous funded projects and outcomes is available on the relevant pages.
AARE provides an annual funding scheme to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) each year upon application and selection.

SIG FundingAARE encourages SIGs to explore different ways of achieving scholarly research capacity building outcomes for SIG members, AARE members and the wider education research community. To support such endeavours, AARE provides an annual funding scheme.

Purpose: These grants are primarily intended as a means of supporting SIGs to contribute to the scholarly research capacity…
AARE organises a number of annual events in different locations across Australia and sponsors various other opportunities for sharing research and networking with colleagues. 

These have included:

Annual conference;
Annual pre-conference workshops for Post Graduate students and Early Career researchers;
Theory workshops;
Seminar Series; 
SIG events; 
Postgraduate and early career researcher events;
Public lectures; etc
 To request event payment/reimbursement for AAR…
>>Click here for answers to AARE Member FAQsHow to join or renew
To join, select the relevant membership category below and click through to checkout. 
To renew, log in before selecting your membership category below and then click through to checkout. 

Note: renewal discounts apply for members who renew before 30th June

You can purchase a book from the Local/Global Issues in Education series with your membership if you wish to do so.
Benefits of Membership

Discounted registration at th…
While the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the information on this site is accurate, it gives no warranty or guarantee that the material, information or publication made accessible is accurate.

AARE accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered as a result of direct or indirect use or application of any material, publication or information made accessible via its web site.

AARE provides link…
Customer services policyThis online merchant is located in Australia.

The policy below relates to the sale of goods and services by the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)

Pricing policy1. Country of domicile

AARE is an Australian association incorporated in South Australia. The AARE Office is located in the Australian Capital Territory.

2. Currency used in transactions

All transactions are completed using Australian Dollars (AUD$) and through the Australian banking syst…
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the European Educational Research Association (EERA).

This three year MOU allows for closer collaboration between AARE and EERA that will include mutual discounts for respective Association members to attend the conferences of the other Association and similar discounts for other activities of both organisations.

Both AARE President, Professor Martin Mills…
AARE Members, log in to receive 50% discount on all book titles from the Local/Global Issues in Education series.
How might educational leaders and teacher improve literacy achievement in schools serving communities experiencing high levels of poverty? This question is the focus of this book. Drawing on long-term case studies of four primary schools located in these communities, this book describes the difference between what is commonly practiced and those practices that have a greater chance of supporting young people's literacy learning. 

Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 int…