HDR/ECR Theory Workshop 15th & 16th Sept – register by 20 August


The Future of Method and Education Research

When: Friday September 15th, 5pm -7.30pm & Saturday September 16th, 9am–4pm
Where: University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba.

Register here by 20th August.
Note: Applications for the Alison Lee ‘Theory in Educational Research’ Scholarship to assist postgraduate students and early career researchers to attend the AARE Theory Workshops are now open.

Workshop Overview

AARE is proud to host the 2023 Theory Workshop for HDR and early career researchers at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba. The theme of the workshop is The future of method and education research, providing opportunities for PhD and ECR participants to learn about a range of qualitative, quantitative, participatory and digital methods.

Methodologies make the world. The ways in which we undertake education research has implications for what kinds of action are made possible and plausible. Yet, the future of method, and the relevance for education, is unclear. 15 years ago, Burrows and Savage (2007) argued that the realm of social research has expanded well beyond the academy, to the point that academic methods (e.g., interviews, surveys) are, at best, peripheral. Relatedly, methodological innovation – crucial to the development of the methodology in the mid 20th century – has become outsourced to commercial organisations.

An opening presentation on Friday evening by Professor Lyn Yates will set up the workshop by asking: ‘What does good education research look like?’ – a reprise of her 2004 book – with a panel responding to this presentation with a focus on methodology.  Following the presentation there will be a dinner at a local establishment. Participants’ dinner will be provided on the Friday evening (RSVPs are requested as part of registration for the event).

On Saturday, concurrent sessions will be aimed at: providing insights into the method outlined; grappling with the question of whether the method is relevant for dealing with the complex challenges facing contemporary education; and speculating on what the future of method might be.

The workshop will conclude with a plenary where presenters and participants can address the question: What is the future for methods in educational research?

For those remaining in Toowoomba, there will be a further networking opportunity at a local pub.

Topics include:

  • Indigenous methodologies
  • Quantitative methods
  • Participatory approaches
  • Mixed method research
  • Digital methods
  • Ethnographic approaches

Presenters include:

  • Professor Nicole Mockler (University of Sydney)
  • Associate Professor Danielle Armour (University of Queensland)
  • Dr Naomi Barnes (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Professor Andrew Hickey (University of Southern Queensland)
  • Associate Professor Jason Lodge (University of Queensland)
  • Professor Greg Thompson (Queensland University of Technology)

Cost: This is a free event for members of AARE. Non members $30 registration fee.

Registration close: 20 August, 2023

Register here 

Note: Applications for the Alison Lee ‘Theory in Educational Research’ Scholarship to assist postgraduate students and early career researchers to attend the AARE Theory Workshops are now open.

For more information, please email:
Sarah Langman, AARE Post Graduate Student Representative sarah.langman@myacu.edu.au 
Ellen Larsen, AARE Early Career Research Representative Ellen.Larsen@usq.edu.au
Kal Gulson, AARE Research Development Coordinator kalervo.gulson@sydney.edu.au