The Series Editors call for proposals for the Local/Global Issues in Education book series. We welcome high-quality edited collections or monographs from members of the Australian educational research community addressing key issues in education today.
Series Aims
This series investigates the interplay between the local and the global in contemporary education policy and practice. While globalisation is transforming local education systems, the local cannot be conceived as homogeneous or passive. Local policy advocates, educators and researchers mediate globalisation by adapting, resisting and amplifying its effects and influences. In this book series, the local perspective taken is from Australia, whose geographical and cultural positioning provides a unique analytical lens through which processes of globalisation in education can be explored and understood. Published in association by the Australian Association for Research in Education, this series includes high-quality empirical, theoretical and conceptual work that uses a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to address contemporary challenges in education.
Proposal due date: Tuesday April 30th 2019
Please feel free to contact the series editors with any questions. Proposals to be submitted to:
More information about previous titles: visit the AARE website or
Peter Renshaw
The University of Queensland
Greg Thompson
Queensland University of Technology
Jessica Gerrard
The University of Melbourne