News from the Global Contexts for Education SIG, STEM Education SIG; and the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG
We would like to draw attention to upcoming events organized jointly by the Global Contexts for Education SIG, STEM Education SIG; and the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG. These activities are supported by a grant from AARE.
1. Online seminar: A cultural-historical perspectives on STEM imagining and learning: Conceptual PlayWorlds in primary schools
Thursday, 3rd November 2022
4.00pm - 5.30pm AEDT
Online Joint-SIG webinar
Register for this event here
This presentation, by Professor Marilyn Fleer, will bring into focus how imagination in STEM and imagination in learning come together in an intervention model called a Conceptual PlayWorld. Framed from a cultural-historical perspective, details of the concepts used to inform the development of this intervention model will be outlined, followed by video examples of STEM practices in primary schools to show how imaginary play supports STEM thinking. The presentation concludes with an example of an Engineering PlayWorld in a Samoan preschool to show how traditional practices and well-known fables can motivate and contextualise children’s STEM learning.
2. AARE conference workshop: International research collaborations: interrogating opportunities, challenges and tensions
Tuesday, 29th November 2022
3:15pm - 4.45pm
In person at the AARE conference
The workshop aims to share research experiences in order to develop insights about international research collaborations. We will facilitate discussion about:
- the role of education researchers in navigating the tensions between global and local knowledge and perspectives within international research projects;
- contextualised understandings of education and implications for cross-cultural research and practice;
- what can be learnt from comparative and cross-disciplinary approaches.
3. AARE conference social event
Tuesday, 29th November 2022
In person at the AARE conference
Meet for drinks following the final session on Tuesday. Venue to confirmed at the conference.
4. AARE seminar - Melbourne
Friday 31 March – Saturday 1 April, 2023
Two day blended seminar – further details to be provided
This seminar will have the following foci: building international research collaborations, conceptualisations of STEM in different contexts/schools systems and the implications for this in carrying out research in global contexts, and applying new theoretical and methodological lenses across disciplines. We are particularly interested in exploring questions about what can be learnt from the comparative dimension, how different theories can be used to open up multiple lines of investigation, and the practical implications of working in these ways. Dr Samia Khan, from the University of British Columbia, will lead the seminar drawing on her extensive experience leading international research projects.
We look forward to meeting up at these events.
News from the Teachers' Work and Lives SIG
The Teachers Work and Lives SIG warmly invites AARE conference delegates to drinks and light supper from 6:30pm on Monday, 28th November.
We are delighted to announce Assoc. Prof. Jessica Gerrard will be our special guest. Jessica is co-Editor of the Local/Global Issues in Education Routledge book series and co-Editor-in-Chief of Critical Studies in Education and holds two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects. Jessica researchers the changing formation, and lived experiences, of social inequalities in relation to education, activism, work, and unemployment.
This will be a low-cost and informal event, with venue details to be announced soon on our SIG Facebook page.
Register to attend and receive updates on this event.
News from the Sociology of Education SIG
Michael Mu will convene a session at this year’s AARE Conference to launch recent and forthcoming book series and books in Bourdieusian sociology of education. These include the new Routledge book series ‘Bourdieu and Education of Asia Pacific’, forthcoming edited volumes by Routledge and Bloomsbury, and recently published monographs by Routledge. The editors and the authors of these books (e.g. Karen Dooley, Gath Stahl, Pat Thomson, Hui Yu) will introduce the books to the audience. This exciting event will bring colleagues together for celebration of achievements, dissemination of knowledge, and discussion of moving forward the research field of Bourdieusian sociology of education.
Date: Thursday 1st December 2022
Time: 15:00-18:00
Venue: JS1-13, Jennifer Smart Building, UniSA City West Campus
Register for this event here. Registration is required for catering purpose.