The purpose of this planned Motivation & Learning SIG Focus Meeting is to bring together interested student researchers, to deliberately and planfully develop interconnections and provide opportunities, among these future upcoming researchers in our field. This initiative is in response to calls from ML-SIG members at our 2016 Annual General Meeting, that we provide clear and structured spaces for student researchers in our field to interact towards shared purposes, underpinned by common shared content bases. This initiative builds on recent ML-SIG development activity, now deliberately expanded to include our student membership and interested potential student members.
We request a 60 minute program slot within the regular timetable scheduling, in order to facilitate an interactive session with student researchers in the field of Motivation & Learning, facilitated by the SIG co-Convenors Paul Richardson & Nathan Berger, together with the SIG Postgraduate Student Representative Tim Powers.
Target outcomes for the session include the development and energisation of an active student membership and continuing network, linkages with experienced researchers in the field of Motivation & Learning, deliberate planning for student researcher paper symposia sessions at the 2018 Conference, dissemination of information concerning relevant research opportunities and strategic planning and development, while also allowing for questions and direction from attending student researchers.