When “impossible” becomes “I’m possible” – Pasifika Youth showcasing their potential.

Year: 2023

Author: Wendy Goff, Sivanes Phillipson, Nicki Wragg, Steven Murdoch

Type of paper: Individual Paper

In this presentation we report on a multi-year research program that has been designed to provide Pasifika Youth in Melbourne Australia with a hands-on university experience across a range of next generation career options. One hundred Pasifika secondary students participated in the first of a series of three four-day masterclasses called Discovery Sprints. Each discovery sprint has been co-designed with the Centre for Multicultural Youth and under the guidance of Elders from Pasifika communities. The purpose of these sprints is to introduce Pasifika Youth to new, and perhaps unrealised, careers paths across design, media innovation, education, sport, and STEM. In this paper we present data from the first day of the first sprint where Pasifika Youth were asked to describe themselves and what is important to them through words and images. Capturing the voice of Pasifika Youth and how they define self is important, particularly for non-Pasifika educators and professionals working with and within Pasifika communities. Too often Pasifika Youth are positioned and viewed through deficit frames in educational contexts by government, and in wider society. By highlighting the Pasifika Youth voice and how Pasifika Youth represent, reflect on, and explain self, the findings from this study offer a way to challenge this deficit view and wider societal positioning. In this study, with the Pasifika Youth’s permission, voice was captured through written and pictorial representation of self. Findings shared in this presentation highlight the recognised strengths, deep cultural connections and recognised self-potential that Pasifika Youth walk with in their day-to-day worlds. 
