
Nominations for the following positions on the Executive Committee of AARE should be forwarded to the Secretary by COB Monday 9 November 2020.
Call for Expressions of Interest: Associate Editors, ECR Editor Interns The Australian Educational Researcher is seeking to appoint up to five new members of the Editorial Team to support the work of the…
Report to the AARE Executive and Members from the Working Party ‘Protecting and extending research in education in Australia’ May 2020 Working Party
This year’s National Reconciliation Week celebrates the 20th anniversary of the reconciliation walks across bridges and down roads where the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of this land now known as…
This special issue is devoted to exploring the concept of interdisciplinary educational work in a range of local, national and international contexts.
The AARE Conference Standing Committee met this morning and made the difficult decision to postpone the AARE 50th Anniversary Conference and Celebrations until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you want to get your research in the news media? The Media Centre for Education Research Australia (MCERA) is able to help.
The Australian Government has announced that it will support projects in Australian society, history and culture under the Australian Research Council Special Research Initiatives scheme.
Symposium: The Body, Embodiment, & Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach On Wednesday 12th June 2019, at the La Trobe University City Campus, a symposium was held on the following theme: “The Body,…
After the keynote address by Professor Tracey Bunda at the 2019 annual AARE Conference, 55 Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars gathered in a show of unity following last year's AARE Statement…