
Many schools across Victoria struggle to meet the government's  legislative requirement of providing a curriculum covering the eight key learning areas, particularly languages other than English.
The Alexander Technique is an untapped resource for students and teachers The legacy of an under-recognised 19th century Tasmanian actor is one our country’s most valuable and largely untapped natural resources.…
You might share my concerns about what is looming for higher education in the coming election.
The Turnbull Government’s education election manifesto, Quality Schools, Quality Outcomes claims (several times over) that when it comes to the funding of schooling, it matters less how much is spent…
I did not become a teacher the day I walked out of university.
Think about the writing you do each day and what tools you use to do it.
Teachers and teacher educators in Finland are well aware that Finnish schoolchildren perform well in academic metrics such as PISA, but they seem much more concerned that their children are…
A recent study on children’s reading found that fewer children are reading for fun. Worse, as children grow up the less they read for fun.
We need to reform our national assessment program as a matter of urgency.
The Turnbull Government budget announced an additional spend of $1. 2 billion on schooling between 2018 and 2020. It was billed as part of a $73.
Global education business, Pearson, continues to find new ways to make a profit from the education of children around the world.
If we truly care about all Australian children and young people becoming literate I believe it is vital we understand and define the complexity of literacy.
There is now almost universal recognition around the world that 'teaching matters' and that the quality of teaching is crucial in social and economic development.
The recent ‘revelation’ that Australian universities are not sticking to their advertised course cut-offs has caused a ruckus.
Over the past fifty years there has been a huge increase in enrolments in higher education in many countries, including Australia.