
AARE develops policies to assist with the day to day functions of the association. These policies are updated and added to as required.

Policy Downloads

Operating Reserves Policy FEB 2024
The Executive Committee of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) is committed to ensuring that the reserves that it holds provide a sustainable cushion for the planned and unplanned future needs of the Association.
Risk Management Policy, Framework & Register FEB 2024
AARE’s objective is to manage risks to minimise the exposure of the organisation and its stakeholders to any event, or set of occurrences able to cause adverse effects, while concurrently maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations in accordance with best practice and continuous improvement.
AARE Community Guidelines JUNE 2023
AARE has introduced a new set of Community Guidelines to help ensure all members feel safe, supported and welcome when engaging with AARE social media accounts. AARE Members are asked to review and abide by these guidelines.
Social Media Policy JUNE 2023
Social media is an important tool that the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) uses to publicise its operations and solicit public support. AARE embraces the use of social media for the promotion of the association and its members, and delivery of member services. We are committed to ensuring that social media engagement connected with AARE is lawful, professional and respectful.
AARE Cyber Security Policy & Procedures JUNE 2023
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) wishes to foster a culture of openness, trust, and integrity however this can only be achieved if external threats to the integrity of the organisation’s systems are controlled and the Association is protected against damaging actions.
Executive Committee Office Bearer Policy AUGUST 2024
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) acknowledges that its Executive Committee operates more effectively when the members and office-bearers of the Executive know their respective duties and obligations. Members and Office-bearers of the Executive Committee shall have the duties and obligations set out in the Position Statements, within.
These are based on the AARE Constitution, the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA) (‘the AIA’) under which AARE is incorporated, policy and practice within AARE and the roles as they apply generally within professional membership associations.
Executive Committee Funding Policy FEB 2024
The Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the Association on behalf of the general membership. It is accountable to the membership and reports to AARE members at the Annual General Meeting. The Executive normally meets a minimum of three times a year (usually in February, in June/July, and in November just before the annual conference). Additional meetings outside of the three Executive Committee meetings may also be held by electronic means as required.
Conflict of Interest Policy JULY 2022
All Executive Committee members, sub-committee members, contractors and volunteers must sign a declaration of interests upon appointment. If an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest is identified, it must be entered into the AARE register of interests, as well as being raised with the AARE Executive Committee.
Register of Interests JULY 2022
Financial Delegations Policy APR 2022
This policy sets out the circumstances under which the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Executive Committee may delegate its responsibilities.
Considerations around Research Involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2021
AARE considers it vital that any activity conducted under the auspices of AARE, regardless of the activity’s venue, are conducted in a manner that is a safe and trusted environment for all attendees, staff and volunteers.
Code of Conduct 2019
AARE is committed to conducting all of its activities with honesty and integrity, in accordance with high ethical and legal standards and with respect for our members, non-member guests, and those with whom we do business.
This Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour and professionalism expected of all members and non-members who participate in AARE activities.
Ethical Sponsorship Policy 2019
AARE actively seeks opportunities to work together with external organisations to achieve shared objectives. However, it is vital that we maintain our independence and do not allow external partnerships to bring the name of AARE into disrepute.
Policy on Advertising 2018
AARE will sell advertising space on its website only when the inclusion of such advertising does not conflict with the Mission, Vision or Values of AARE, or the development or implementation of its Strategic Plan. The normal format of advertisements will be as logos in a banner on the homepage with hyperlinks to advertisers' websites. Advertising on AARE social media pages is not accepted.
Privacy Policy 2024
The Executive Committee of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information which the organisation collects, holds and administers.
Refund & Cancellation Policy for AARE events 2018
This refund policy is for AARE events, excluding the AARE Annual Conference which has its own
refund policy.
Event Attendance Policy 2010
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines on the level and nature of financial support AARE will normally provide to members of the AARE Executive Committee and to other AARE members who represent AARE at a non-AARE event.
EduResearch Matters Privacy Statement
EduResearch Matters is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Privacy Act 1988(Cth) (Privacy Act).
This policy sets out how we handle Personal Information, including the Personal Information of our authors, commenters and readers (users), in accordance with the Privacy Act, and how you can exercise your rights under the Privacy Act.