
You couldn’t miss the announcement of the winner of the Global Teacher Prize recently.
The attacks on the Safe Schools program illustrate how far removed some politicians are from the reality of what young people in our schools want to learn about.
Reducing student attrition rates in higher education has come into sharper focus with the growth of online courses.
The topic of whether religion should be taught in public schools has been an ongoing cause of rancour since the late 19th century when the first classes were held.
The Centre for Independent Studies is an Australian free market think tank that produced a policy discussion paper School funding on a budget in the lead up to the first…
For decades there has been an overrepresentation of Indigenous students across Australia in disciplinary school records. Suspensions, exclusions and a range of other negative reports fill the school records.
The first five years of a child’s life are pivotal to their learning and development.
Private interests are playing an increasingly prominent role in public education.
The late January back-to-school ritual has turned ugly.
A large achievement gap between rich and poor blights Australian education - and the gap appears to be widening.
Over the past few days, media reports have exposed another sex scandal involving students at one of Sydney’s most prestigious private boys’ schools.
NAPLAN testing is orchestrating a high-stakes environment in Australian schools where schools, teachers, students and even parents feel the pressure to perform and do well.
The issues facing disadvantaged students wanting a tertiary education are multi-faceted.
The past decade has seen think tanks operate in sophisticated ways to influence the development of Australian schooling policies.
Most Australians think multiculturalism is good for Australia and only a very small percentage believe racism is a problem.