
A new report proposes Australia adopt a US styled charter school, or UK type academies, approach as a solution to our falling scores on international tests.
Many thousands of words have been written about Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, intervening to stop Burwood Girls High School screening the documentary film Gayby Baby in school time.
Federal Education Minister, Christopher Pyne, seems distracted by other political events as some disturbing developments emerge in Australian schooling.
Two months ago, four proposals for reforming government roles and responsibilities in schooling were leaked from the Abbott Government’s federalism taskforce’s confidential Green Paper.
Parents who choose a private school for their child have a ‘right’ to expect governments to help with the costs because they are taxpayers; so the argument goes in Australia.
Most educators would be aware of the term ‘growth mindset’ by now. The idea is you can work on being smarter.
Reading professional experience reports, written by teachers about the student teachers practising in their classrooms, is a disturbing part of my Head of School of Teacher Education role.
Many teachers and parents would know some children as ‘gifted’ within our education systems.
Single sex versus co-ed schooling is back in the news with the announcement from The Armidale School, a traditional, private, all boy school, that it is turning co-ed.
In 2008 Australia began a national assessment program that tests school children in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in reading, writing, spelling and numeracy (NAPLAN).
My Facebook and Twitter feeds have been awash with irate teachers for a number of months now, as a constant trickle of announcements, leaks and policy statements from our federal…
There has been a worldwide increase in the use of virtual worlds from 136 million in 2009 to 28. 8 billion in 2014.
Is artistic ability only found in students from wealthy backgrounds? We like to believe that artistic ability is a kind of natural gift.
Disruptive student behaviour is a major source of stress for Australian teachers and one of the most common reasons teachers cite for leaving the profession.
Coding is the literacy of the 21st century, according to Bill Shorten. It is so important the Abbott Government has allocated $3.