
Despite the hype surrounding gamification the concept itself is poorly understood. I believe the real potential for the use of gamification in education, particularly schooling, is being missed.
I believe it is of great importance that we preserve the public charter of our tertiary sector and that it is sufficiently supported by public funding.
It seems simple enough. The idea behind the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing program is to keep tabs on standards.
Have you ever noticed your children are studying much the same English texts at school as you did years ago when you were a teenager at secondary school? Many parents…
Languages are not considered important in Australia.
“Wake up, ” Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra Professor, Stephen Parker, told Australia’s academics in a passionate speech in Sydney recently where he railed against the Abbott Government’s higher…
Around the world today school systems in developed countries tend to produce a ‘one size fits all’ type of education.
Education should aim to achieve the enhancement of intelligence. However, current education reform action is driven by narrow perceptions of how to make students work-ready.
Educators around the world laud the Finnish school system and there is constant discussion in Australia about how we should try to follow Finland's example.
  Getting more Australian girls from country areas into higher education will take more than just raising their aspirations.
Schools increasingly market themselves. Because elite private schools have always done so, most previous school marketing research in Australia has focused upon this small group of schools.
There is an equity problem in Australia and we urgently need to talk about it.
If we follow the recommendations of the recently released national curriculum review for teaching English we will all soon be pretending we live in 1955.
 Teacher selection and teacher education are back in the spotlight.
My research amongst university students suggests that a student’s understanding and experience of what is going on when they are being educated may be gleaned from the metaphors that they…