
By Erika Spray Academics need to practice sophisticated critical analysis for their work, arguably more than needed in everyday life outside of academia.
By Christopher Ziguras So far, the discussion of national higher education funding reforms has focused exclusively on Australian students studying in Australian universities, and has largely ignored the flows of students…
Australian research is almost silent on how disciplinary practices in our schools are affected by racial bias.
The final report of the Australian Curriculum Review conducted by Kevin Donnelly and Ken Wiltshire has recently been handed to Minister Pyne, according to leaks reported in the media.
George Orwell wrote in 1984, “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
Many gifted girls and boys find the gifted label stigmatising, and go out of their way to dodge the dreaded nerd status.
Newspapers are able to influence public opinion through specific portrayals of teachers that in turn work to construct particular knowledge and perceptions about teachers and their work.
Twitter is a revolutionary new tool for many teachers. They use it to drive their professional development and to connect with other educators.
My blog of 3/8/2014 was an edited version of the opening statement I made in a debate with Dr Kevin Donnelly about independent public schools (IPS).
Does improved student attendance lead to improved student achievement? Join prime ministers, premiers and education ministers from all sides of politics if you believe it does.
(Note: What follows is an edited and expanded version of Dr Kevin Donnelly’s presentation at the recent ACSA sponsored debate titled “That the Liberal Government’s policy of independent public schools…
[NOTE:This is an edited version of the negative case against the Abbott Govt's Independent Public Schools policy made by Alan Reid in his debate with Kevin Donnelly held at the…
A learning disability may be thought as a kind of ailment, difficulty, trouble, condition, even an illness in the eyes of some (with, sometimes, special gifts notwithstanding), and as such…
In Australia across most school systems there is no informed, explicit and coherent policy approach to ability grouping.
To The Hon Christopher Pyne Monday 21 July, 2014 CC: Shadow Minster, The Hon Kate Ellis Dear Minister, In a recent interview to 2UE on 15th July Kevin Donnelly, Director of the Education Standards…