
A national test of phonics skills will not improve faltering literacy standards in Australia. The test is being imported from England where it has been in place since 2011.
In the same way a gardener cannot force a seed or plant to grow, neither can a teacher simply make a student become more motivated, develop a growth mindset, or…
Schooling in Australia today seems to be increasingly focused on content and assessment. We have an obsession with testing and rankings.
Walk into any high school and you can be confident that there are young people who self-harm.
  We are academics who specialise in the field of Inclusive Education.
Large numbers of educators, community activists, and social movements are rightly deeply involved in the struggles for a more responsive and critically democratic education.
International student performance test results can spark media frenzy around the world.
When we write we want to produce a text that can be easily read by our intended audience.
The way teachers are talked about in the public space is important. It affects teacher morale and how people might interact with them both professionally and socially.
There is a growing trend in education of proposing and enacting policy ideas that are based primarily upon economic thinking.
What happens when becoming a doctor is a battle between staying true to yourself and fitting in to an elite profession? It sounds dramatic, but this is the struggle that…
It isn’t often you see the terms ‘teacher research’ and ‘toddler risky play’ in the one sentence. So you can imagine we gained some media attention when we did.
In a perfect world, public schooling would be able to honour its mission to provide access to high quality education for all young people, regardless of their backgrounds, interests, and…
You couldn’t miss the headlines and page one stories across Australia recently about the decline of Australian children’s writing skills.
Two research findings from our University of Newcastle large-scale longitudinal study of the career aspirations of Australian children attracted a lot of media coverage recently.