
Much is asked of teachers these days.
Millions of dollars have been spent on targeted programs to improve literacy and numeracy learning outcomes around Australia.
The release of the latest NAPLAN results this week identified a problem with student performance in writing.
If you are a Harry Potter fan you probably celebrated last month, the twentieth anniversary of the first Harry Potter book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
It makes good cinema to put six bright and passionate teacher recruits into some of the most underserved schools and communities in Australia and follow them around.
The privatisation of public education is attracting a lot of attention around the world but what is happening within public schooling is falling under the radar.
Sure enough, representatives of parent and teacher groups have emerged to back Senator Pauline Hanson’s claims that children with ‘autism and disabilities’ should be removed from mainstream classroom.
Around this time each year Australian students are thinking about the subjects they will choose for their final two years of school.
Once upon a time early childhood teachers used to learn singing and playing the piano, primary school teachers could study electives (and even majors) in areas such as drama and…
There is nothing more disappointing than spending precious time, and worse, forking out hard earned money, on a dud conference.
The Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, has demanded a zero tolerance approach to students’ bad behaviour in Australian classrooms.
We were extremely disturbed by the increasing reports of children with disability across Australia being abused and discriminated against, and by what we saw as a systemic exclusion of children…
Bullying is a universal problem that affects individuals of all ages.
I have a dream that this nation will achieve its full creative and economic potential and that Arts education will rightfully be seen as central to making this happen.
Students with disabilities often struggle in Australian schools. There have been many inquiries and reports over the years that tell us this.