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You searched for "AssoPerfil docente para alumnos/as con altas capacidades magis PÁG INA 409 ciation for Active Educational Researchers Conference."

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AARE provides an annual funding scheme to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) each year upon application and selection.

SIG FundingAARE encourages SIGs to explore different ways of achieving scholarly research capacity building outcomes for SIG members, AARE members and the wider education research community. To support such endeavours, AARE provides an annual funding scheme.

Purpose: These grants are primarily intended as a means of supporting SIGs to contribute to the scholarly research capacity…
While the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the information on this site is accurate, it gives no warranty or guarantee that the material, information or publication made accessible is accurate.

AARE accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered as a result of direct or indirect use or application of any material, publication or information made accessible via its web site.

AARE provides link…
Limited stock - Only a few left at this price. 

Over the last two decades, large-scale national, or provincial, standardised testing has become prominent in the schools of many countries around the globe. National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment draws on research to consider the nature of national testing and its multiple effects, including: media responses and constructions such as league tables of performance; pressures within school systems and on schools; effects on the work an…
This edited collection examines the ways in which the local and global are key to understanding race and racism in the intersectional context of contemporary education. Analysing a broad range of examples, it highlights how race and racism comprise a relational phenomenon that interconnects local, national and global contexts and ideas.

Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 international shipping fee
PurposeThis award aims to acknowledge significant leadership in and contribution to building the fields of sexuality, gender and queer research in education within the Australian context. The motivation to create this award emerged from the view that given the developing status of these research fields it is important to establish mechanisms through which contributions to and leadership within these fields can be promoted and acknowledged.

We acknowledge that the politics of awards are problema…
This edited collection examines the ways in which the local and global are key to understanding race and racism in the intersectional context of contemporary education. Analysing a broad range of examples, it highlights how race and racism comprise a relational phenomenon that interconnects local, national and global contexts and ideas.

Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 international shipping fee

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Limited stock - Only a few left at this price. 

Over the last two decades, large-scale national, or provincial, standardised testing has become prominent in the schools of many countries around the globe. National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment draws on research to consider the nature of national testing and its multiple effects, including: media responses and constructions such as league tables of performance; pressures within school systems and on schools; effects on the work an…
This week at the Senate Estimates hearings, the ARC confirmed that in recent funding rounds for Discovery Projects, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and Future Fellows Awards, the then Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham denied funding to 11 projects recommended by the Australian Research Council. All of the projects were in the humanities, with a combined total proposed funding of 4.2 million dollars.
This action is very concerning, as is Senator Birmingham’s wil…
Much has been researched, written and debated about what it means to be a ‘good’ teacher. Conversations in Australia continue around quality teaching and teacher quality and the way we educate our teachers. Governments at national and state levels have specifically designed and established teacher accreditation regimes to produce ‘good’ teachers.
In Australia children with disabilities have the right to be consulted about what can be done to help them participate fully in school life.