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Politics and Policy SIG Event

In this interactive session intended for graduate researchers across Australia, Emma Rowe (DeakinU) and Sarah Langman (ACU) will discuss network ethnography and its uses in education policy research, including relevant concepts, examples, and relationships to other approaches such as actor-network theory.

Dr. Emma Rowe is an ARC DECRA Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Education at Deakin University.

Lect. Sarah Langman is a Lecturer in Education Studies at Austra…
AARE is pleased to offer bursaries to support conference attendance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members who are full time HDR Students or early career researchers in 2024, open to both members and non-members of AARE. 

The AARE Conference Bursary program is part of AARE initiatives aimed to address equity issues in the education sector.

The 2024 AARE Conference is being held at Macquarie University, Sydney, 1st to 5th December, 2024.  Please see our website for more information.…
AARE is pleased to announce that NZARE have invited AARE to send a representative symposium for the 2024 NZARE Annual Conference. The Conference will take place on the 25th to 27th of November, 2024 at Waikato University, Hamilton Campus, New Zealand.

This invitation comes as a part of a long-standing relationship between NZARE and AARE. Both Associations are committed to facilitating strong connections between members.

Being invited to represent AARE in an international forum is a high honour…
Feminist citational practices attend to the under-citation of women and other marginalised groups within academia. Paying attention towards who and how we read and cite is one way that we can begin to address biases and be more inclusive of the multiple ideas and voices contributing to the production of knowledges. This presentation will discuss why feminist citational practices are critical to making a difference to the visibility of women and will suggest different practices for reading and ci…
AARE is pleased to announce that NZARE have invited AARE to send a representative symposium for the 2024 NZARE Annual Conference. The Conference will take place on the 25th to 27th of November 2024, at Waikato University, Hamilton Campus, New Zealand.
The theme of the 2024 NZARE conference is Mā Muri, Mā Mua – which means “The Past Influences the Future”. Abstracts are invited that relate to the theme, to any of the focus areas of NZARE Special Interest Groups, and any other education research…