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Over the last two decades, large-scale national, or provincial, standardised testing has become prominent in the schools of many countries around the globe. National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment draws on research to consider the nature of national testing and its multiple effects, including: media responses and constructions such as league tables of performance; pressures within school systems and on schools; effects on the work an…
Over the last two decades, large-scale national, or provincial, standardised testing has become prominent in the schools of many countries around the globe. National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment draws on research to consider the nature of national testing and its multiple effects, including: media responses and constructions such as league tables of performance; pressures within school systems and on schools; effects on the work an…
This edited collection examines the ways in which the local and global are key to understanding race and racism in the intersectional context of contemporary education. Analysing a broad range of examples, it highlights how race and racism comprise a relational phenomenon that interconnects local, national and global contexts and ideas.
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Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 international shipping fee
PurposeThis award aims to acknowledge significant leadership in and contribution to building the fields of sexuality, gender and queer research in education within the Australian context. The motivation to create this award emerged from the view that given the developing status of these research fields it is important to establish mechanisms through which contributions to and leadership within these fields can be promoted and acknowledged.
We acknowledge that the politics of awards are problema…
We acknowledge that the politics of awards are problema…
PurposeEduResearch Matters Blog/Blogger of the Year Award recognises an outstanding contribution to public understanding and debate of educational issues.
Merit criteriaConsideration will be given to:
Quality of blog submission/s
Ideas and argument
Selection processThe Judging panel consists of the Communications Coordinator for the Australian Association for Research in Education and the EduResearch Matters Editor. The panel’s decision will be final and no further corres…
Merit criteriaConsideration will be given to:
Quality of blog submission/s
Ideas and argument
Selection processThe Judging panel consists of the Communications Coordinator for the Australian Association for Research in Education and the EduResearch Matters Editor. The panel’s decision will be final and no further corres…
NEW Book - Challenges for Public Education : Reconceptualising Educational Leadership, Policy and So
A limited number of the new book in the Book Series Local and Global Issues in Education are available at a discounted price through the AARE webshop.
Challenges for Public Education : Reconceptualising Educational Leadership, Policy and Social Justice as Resources for Hope, 1st Edition
An accelerating pattern in Australia and internationally is the dismantling of public education systems as part of a long-standing trend towards the modernisation, marketisation and privatisation of educationa…
Challenges for Public Education : Reconceptualising Educational Leadership, Policy and Social Justice as Resources for Hope, 1st Edition
An accelerating pattern in Australia and internationally is the dismantling of public education systems as part of a long-standing trend towards the modernisation, marketisation and privatisation of educationa…
This edited collection examines the ways in which the local and global are key to understanding race and racism in the intersectional context of contemporary education. Analysing a broad range of examples, it highlights how race and racism comprise a relational phenomenon that interconnects local, national and global contexts and ideas.
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Additional $10 international shipping fee
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Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 international shipping fee
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Over the last two decades, large-scale national, or provincial, standardised testing has become prominent in the schools of many countries around the globe. National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment draws on research to consider the nature of national testing and its multiple effects, including: media responses and constructions such as league tables of performance; pressures within school systems and on schools; effects on the work and identities of principals and teac…
Over the last two decades, large-scale national, or provincial, standardised testing has become prominent in the schools of many countries around the globe. National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment draws on research to consider the nature of national testing and its multiple effects, including: media responses and constructions such as league tables of performance; pressures within school systems and on schools; effects on the work and identities of principals and teac…
How might educational leaders and teacher improve literacy achievement in schools serving communities experiencing high levels of poverty? This question is the focus of this book. Drawing on long-term case studies of four primary schools located in these communities, this book describes the difference between what is commonly practiced and those practices that have a greater chance of supporting young people's literacy learning.
Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 int…
Includes postage and packing in Australia
Additional $10 int…
Professor Alison Lee, who passed away in 2012, is remembered for her strong advocacy for research training opportunities, including networking, for novice researchers. She was a member of the AARE Executive and was passionate about the pedagogy of doctoral education. Her research focused on the changing nature of the university and how this related to the world of work, the professions and social participation. She emphasised strong critical educational research and practice and promoted the dev…
Aim:The Schools and Education Systems SIG provides a forum for AARE members from schools, universities, education sectors and policy contexts to network, collaborate, and identify areas of research need, with the goal of strengthening school-based research. We are interested in promoting the role of research in informing and improving policy and practice in schools and education systems as well as encouraging the active engagement of systems and schools as partners in research. With its strong c…