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AARE is happy to announce a new initiative that has been launched in conjunction with the opening of conference registration. The Lend a Hand program will ask those people registering for the conference to make a small contribution via a special link attached to this image. This money will be used by AARE to offer bursaries to help subsidise non and low waged ECR and Postgraduate students attendance at the AARE conference. One hundred percent of money raised will go towards these bursaries, eith…
This week at the Senate Estimates hearings, the ARC confirmed that in recent funding rounds for Discovery Projects, Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and Future Fellows Awards, the then Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham denied funding to 11 projects recommended by the Australian Research Council. All of the projects were in the humanities, with a combined total proposed funding of 4.2 million dollars.
This action is very concerning, as is Senator Birmingham’s wil…
2024 Conference - Macquarie University, SydneyRecordings: Radford Lecture, Keynote presentations

Radford LectureEmeritus Professor Wayne Sawyer, Western Sydney University
Professionalising Professional Learning.

Day 1. AARE 2024 Radford Lecture
Welcome, Dr Catherine Smith, Chair, AARE Conferences Standing Committee 0.02
Introduction, Professor Julie McLeod, AARE President 2023-2024 2.37
Welcome to Country, Colleen Mitchell 3.43
Introduction, Julie McLeod, AARE President 2023-2024 10.00
Dr Ren…
DO NOT USE THIS PAGE FOR EARLIER CONFERENCES USE BLOCKS2017 Conference, Hotel Realm, Canberra ACTKeynote Speaker Yvette Taylor
Dangerous Education: The occupational hazards of teaching queerlyView presentation

Keynote Speaker Nerida BlairResearching and storying in the in-between space: people not politicsView presentation

Keynote Speaker Greg NobleDoing diversity differently: multicultural education for a culturally complex worldView presentation

To view the Radford Lecture from Margaret Som…
2023 Competitive Grants AwardedCongratulations to the following SIGs for their successful applications for Competitive Grants in the 2023/2024 SIG Round:

Arts Education Practice Research SIG - $5,000.00Contact/Convenors: Kate Coleman, Peter Cook

The SIG will run a one-day workshop and seminar: ‘Creativity, Science of learning, and Artificial Intelligence: What would Maxine Greene do?’’

The aim of this innovative and participatory event is to dive deep into contemporary issues related to creat…
Challenges for Public Education examines the educational leadership, policy and social justice implications of these trends in Australia and internationally. It maps this movement through early shifts to school-based management in Australia, New Zealand and Sweden and recent moves such as the academies programme in England and charter schools in the United States. It draws on recent studies of a distinct new phase in Australian school reform – the creation of ‘independent public schools’ (IPS) i…
At the AARE conference in Sydney today, an Acknowledgement was delivered by the president on behalf of the members, apologising for any harm to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through past research practices and processes. WATCH VIDEO

Associations have done this in the past including the Australian Psychological Association in 2016. AARE encourages other Associations to consider what a process of acknowledging pasts and considering futures might provide.
Research Through, With and As Storying explores how Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars can engage with storying as a tool that disassembles conventions of research. For more details
The will and vital capacity of Australian universities to support academics to combine teaching and research is under grave threat. Intensifying workloads—much of it kept invisible in workload models—short-change time and opportunity for research. And governing forces—within and beyond universities—have been moving to restructure investment in university labours towards teaching at the expense of research.
AARE is pleased to announce that it has again been invited to host a symposium as part of the conference program at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) (University of Manchester, Tuesday 10 to Thursday 12 September 2019).