You searched for "males in elementary"
9 results found
Purpose:This Special Interest Group provides a forum for AARE scholar-practitioners working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations across a range of educational contexts. The collective is characterised by a shared focus on equity, social justice, and inclusion, and is committed to maintaining and strengthening cultural and linguistic diversity and reciprocity in educational settings. CALD Education SIG members research across a range of disciplinary, epistemological, and…
RationaleWith the shifting landscape in education, learning has increasingly been seen more so as a “career” where students are expected to take more responsibility of their learning and future employment. In addition, given the opportunity, students may be able to negotiate new ways and possibilities to achieve successful and sustainable educational outcomes across and within various spaces. As such, important critical questions around student voice are being raised, discussed and debated and i…
Cognitive load theory uses our knowledge of how people learn, think and solve problems to design instruction. In turn, instructional design is the central activity of classroom teachers, of curriculum designers, and of publishers of textbooks and educational materials, including digital information. Characteristically, the theory is used to generate hypotheses that are tested using randomised controlled trials. Cognitive load theory rests on a base of hundreds of randomised controlled trials tes…
Cognitive load theory uses our knowledge of how people learn, think and solve problems to design instruction. In turn, instructional design is the central activity of classroom teachers, of curriculum designers, and of publishers of textbooks and educational materials, including digital information. Characteristically, the theory is used to generate hypotheses that are tested using randomised controlled trials. Cognitive load theory rests on a base of hundreds of randomised controlled trials tes…
A new title in the Local and Global Issues in Education book series is now available at the special discounted rate of $35 for AARE members and $40 for non-members.
Edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho, John Sweller. Cognitive load theory uses our knowledge of how people learn, think and solve problems to design instruction. In turn, instructional design is the central activity of classroom teachers, of curriculum designers, and of publishers of textbooks and educational materials,…
Edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho, John Sweller. Cognitive load theory uses our knowledge of how people learn, think and solve problems to design instruction. In turn, instructional design is the central activity of classroom teachers, of curriculum designers, and of publishers of textbooks and educational materials,…
Contributing to the AARE blog, EduResearch Matters, will give you the opportunity to promote your research, write opinion pieces or respond to government initiatives and reports. AARE will promote your blog through AARE’s lively social media presence in FaceBook and Twitter. AARE’s EduResearch Matters editor, Maralyn Parker, is a highly experienced journalist who can help you with the writing and editing of your article. The video provides additional information.
Teacher performance-linked pay, teacher performance generally and student achievement – these are three issues that are never far from the headlines. But are the debates founded on sound evidence or merely the thought bubbles of politicians and populist commentators? Link to the video
AARE congratulates the Media Centre for Education Research Australia (MCERA) on being named a South Australian finalist in the Social Change Maker Category of the 2019 Telstra Business Awards. For more information please contact MCERA
AARE are proud to have been represented by Emma Rowe, Laura Perry, Sue Winton, Bob Lingard and Glenn Savage at BERA on Wednesday at Manchester University, UK. The symposium entitled "A policy assemblage of school funding typologies, trajectories and tensions was well attended and the rigorous papers encouraged debate and discussion. Thanks to these strong researchers for representing AARE so well.
More details of the research presented can be found @…
More details of the research presented can be found @…