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You searched for "masters towards a antional"

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About the symposium

This 2 hour online symposium is being convened by the AARE Professional and Higher Education SIG co-convenors. The first question that we consider is whether conferences have gone missing at all. Is it possible that the routine work of face-to-face conferences has been distributed across new platforms for gathering academics and disseminating knowledge? What affordances do these new forms of gathering promise? What are their limits? The second question we consider is this: c…
Nominations for the following positions on the Executive Committee of AARE should be submitted  by COB Monday 9 November 2020.

Secretary (three-year term, 2021–23)
Research Development Co-ordinator (three-year term, 2021–23)
Communications Co-ordinator (three-year term, 2021–23)
Special Interest Groups Co-ordinator (three-year term, 2020–23)
Ordinary Executive Member (two positions, including Postgraduate Student member) (two-year terms, 2021–22).
See role descriptions

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Congratulations to the following members who have been appointed to the AER Editorial Team following our recent call for Expressions of Interest.

Associate EditorsCathie Burgess, University of Sydney
Emma Burns, Macquarie University
Steven Lewis, Deakin University

ECR EditorsAbbey Cruickshank, University of Tasmania
Troy Heffernan, LaTrobe University
Melitta Hogarth, University of Melbourne
Katrina Thorpe, University of Technology, Sydney

We warmly welcome the new members of the Editorial Tea…
AARE is pleased to announce that it has again been invited to host a symposium as part of the program at the 2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting to be held virtually April 9 through April 12.  AARE proudly invites members to submit expressions of interest to present a symposium at this conference. 
Submissions should be submitted using the form on the AARE website by COB 30 November 2020.
AARE is pleased to announce the following shortlisted and winning papers for the 2020 Springer and AER Best Paper Awards are being made free access until the end of January.


Emma Rowe and Laura B. Perry, ‘Private financing in urban public schools: inequalities in a stratified education marketplace’


Shortlisted papers:

Helen Adam & Caroline Barratt-Pugh, ‘The challenge of monoculturalism: what books are educators sharing with children and what messages do they send?’

For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander HDR & ECR ResearchersOverview and purposeAARE is pleased to offer bursaries to support conference attendance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are full time HDR Students or early career researchers in 2024. These are open to both members and non-members of AARE.

The AARE Conference Bursary program is part of AARE initiatives aimed to address equity issues in the education sector.

The 2024 AARE Conference is being held at Macqua…
The Australian Association for Research in Education invites qualified Faculties, Schools or Departments of Education to nominate a successful doctoral student for the annual “Ray Debus Award for Doctoral Research in Education". This award is intended as recognition of excellence in educational research by doctoral students and is seen by the Association as a way of recognising the high quality contribution made to educational knowledge by graduate students, and at the same time promoting d…
Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews1, Shannon Foster, and the D’harawal Traditional Descendants and Knowledge Holders Circle.

1University of Technology Sydney

 In any attempt to understand or engage with this year’s NAIDOC theme, Heal Country (, one thing should be abundantly clear, Country [with a capital ‘C’] ‘is more than just a place.’ Country is not just some siloed off block of land that an individual can claim sole ownership of whilst thumping away o…
We are very sad to have to pass on the news that Professor Peter Fensham passed away on 23 August 2021 aged 93 years. Peter was one of the 123 founding members of AARE, as a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. In 1991, Peter delivered the Radford Lecture, titled “Common Sense Knowledge: A Challenge to Research” that sounds as topical today as it undoubtedly was then.

Peter contributed enormously to education and education research in Australia. He was Professor of Scienc…