Springer Award - Best Paper

Previous awardees


Leanne Higham La Trobe University

Attending to slow violence: From Pride to Stand Out.


Kevin Lowe and Sara Weuffen University of New South Wales

You get to ‘feel’ your culture”: Aboriginal students speaking back to deficit discourses in Australian schooling Vol 50(1), paper in the Special Issue—Aboriginal Voices: The state of Aboriginal student experiences in Australian secondary school project.


Marnee Shay, Rhonda Oliver, Helen McCarthy, Tetiana Bogachenko & Boori Monty Prior

For the paper “Developing culturally relevant and collaborative research approaches: A case study of working with remote and regional Aboriginal students to prepare them for life beyond school” published in Volume 49, Issue 4.


Sue Saltmarsh, Eseta Tualaulelei & Kay Ayre Education University of Hong Kong


Emma Rowe and Laura Perry

Private financing in urban public schools: inequalities in a stratified education marketplace


Greg Thompson, Anna Hogan and Mark Rahimi

Private funding in Australian public schools: a problem of equity


Jacinta Maxwell, Kevin Lowe and Peta Salter


Deb Hayes, Cathy Doherty

Valuing epistemic diversity in educational research: an agenda for improving research impact and initial teacher education


Jennifer Gore, Rosie Joy Barron, Kathryn Holmes & Maxwell Smith

Who says we are not attracting the best and brightest? Teacher selection and the aspirations of Australian school students


Melinda Miller

Consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in early childhood education: the impact of colonial discourses. November 2015, Volume 42, Issue 5, pp 549-565


Susan Creagh

A critical analysis of problems with the LBOTE category on the NAPLaN test. March 2014, Volume 41, Issue 1, pp 1-23


Jonnell Uptin, Jan Wright, Valerie Harwood

It felt like i was a black dot on white paper’: examining young former refugees’ experience of entering Australian high schools, February 2013, Volume 40, Issue 1, pp 125-137


Lisl Fenwick, Maxine Cooper

Prevailing Pedagogies for Classes in Low SES contexts and the Implications for Standards Based Reform in Australia, Volume 39, Number 3


Melinda Miller, Meg Knowles, Sue Grieshaber,

Cultural support workers and long day care services, Volume 38, Number 3

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