Early Career Researcher Award

Previous awardees


Dr Phillip Poulton RMIT University

Preservice teachers as curriculum deliverers or curriculum-makers? Exploring curriculum-making conceptions and opportunities in professional experiences.


Dr Sally Larsen University of New England

Are Australian students’ academic skills declining? Interrogating 25 years of national and international standardised assessment data.


Dr Somayeh Ba Akhlagh The University of New England

Australian and Iranian Pre-school Teachers’ Conceptualizations of Creativity


Dr Meghan Stacey University of New South Wales

'Pre-service teachers’ choice of schools as workplaces in a system of social, cultural and religious division: to be ‘selfish’, or to be a ‘hero’?'

2017(Joint winners)

Dr Jenny Martin Australian Catholic University

Researching preservice teachers’ environmental agency in times of post truth and denial


Dr Lyn Vernon Murdoch University

University enabling programs while still at school: Supporting the transition of low-SES students from high-school to university


Dr Melissa Wolfe

Post-qualitative filmic research in education: utilising a ‘re/active documentary’ methodology


Dr Lucinda McKnight Deakin University

Meet the phallic teacher: designing curriculum and identity in a neoliberal imaginary


Dr Hannah Soong University of South Australia

The Imagination of Mobility: Windows into Australian Teacher Education as a Site of Transnational Lifeworld Negotiations


Dr Niranjan Casinader Monash University

A failure to communicate? Cultural dispositions of thinking and some implications for teacher education


Dr Greg Thompson Murdoch University

The Effects of NAPLAN: Teacher perceptions of the impact of NAPLAN on pedagogy and curriculum (co-authored with Allen G. Harbaugh)


Dr Linda Graham Macquarie University

For whose purposes and to what ends? Disproportionate over-representation of Indigenous students in NSW government "Schools for (Very) Specific Purposes"


Dr Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews University of Western Sydney

Looking Past Positivity for Indigenous Australian Students: A preliminary investigation of racial discrimination and the illusion of resiliency in academia (co-authored with Nida Denson and Rhonda Craven)


Kathy Jordan

The “framing” of teachers in national ICT policies


Dr Jane Wilkinson Charles Sturt University

Policy and leadership as practice: Senior women academics and the “risky business” of diversity policies in enterprise universities


Dr Colleen Hawkins University of Sydney


Helen Watt University of Michigan

Development of Adolescents' Self Perceptions, Values and Task Perceptions According to Gender and Domain through Australian Grades 7 to 11


Neil Harrison University of New England

The learning is in-between: The search for a metalanguage in Indigenous education


Amanda Keddie

It's more than a game: Little boys, masculinities and football culture


Francesca Collins


Dr Julianne Lynch


Dr Melitta Hogarth University of Southern Queensland

The musings of an Aboriginal researcher: Disrupting the thesis template’


Dr David Bright Monash University

Qualitative inquiry and Deleuze and Guattari’s minor literature: In which I consider verisimilitude as a criterion for judging the quality of qualitative writing with reference made to Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Slaughterhouse 5 albeit not really in the telegr


Connie Cirkony  Monash University

Reflecting on the Role and Conduct of Rapid Review Methodology for Educational Research

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