Postgraduate Student Researcher Awards

Previous awardees


Elisa Di Gregorio University of Melbourne

Marketising disability: Public school principals competing for inclusion funding.


Carolyn Wade Griffith University

Death by a thousand cuts: Understanding the experience of school leaders navigating parent engagement.


Phillip Poulton University of Sydney

Early career primary teachers’ curriculum-making experiences: Enablers and constraints to knowledge-led forms of curriculum-making


Karen Nociti Edith Cowan University

Hacking observational literacy tools in early childhood studies


Danwei Gao  Queensland University of Technology, Australia; Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, China

The ‘competent parents’: Family language policy of internal migrating middle-class families in China


Craig Wood Griffith University

Waking up to Memmi: A dwam of critical whiteness studies in school curriculum and pedagogy’


Diana Langmead University of Melbourne

An exalted past but what future? An elite school grapples with India’s Right to Education Act, 2009


Haley Tancredi Queensland University of Technology

Meeting obligations to consult students with disability: Methodological considerations and successful elements for consultation


Angela Rose The University of Sydney

Refugee students, teacher agency and neoliberalism in Australian education


Linette Etheredge Monash University

Digital provocations: How might creative filmmaking engage children age 11-14 in a critical analysis of the intimate relationships they experience in digital spaces?

Alfred Mupenzi Western Sydney University

Refugee background students in tertiary education: An insider’s view


David Bright The University of Queensland

Signs to be developed: Experiments in writing

Amanda Heffernan The University of Queensland

The Emperor’s Perfect Map: Leadership by Numbers and Cartesian Effects

Paul Swan Monash University

Mentalization and Empathy among Australian Primary School Teachers

Sara Weuffen Federation University

Exploring racialised spaces as productive environments for reconstructions of my positioning as a non-Indigenous Researcher engaged in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge spaces


Md Aktaruzzaman Monash University

Community Perception Towards Integrating Vocational Elements in Open and Distance Learning in Bangladesh

Sandra Houen Queensland University of Technology

'I Wonder What You Know…’: Teachers Designing Requests for Factual Information

Uswatun Qoyyimah Queensland University of Technology

Secular and Religious Moral Grounds Resonating Across State Schools in Indonesia


Anne Bennison The University of Queensland

Exploring numeracy teacher identity: an adaptation of Valsiner’s zone theory

Natal’ya Galliott Macquarie University

Who struggles most in making a career choice and why? Findings from a cross-sectional survey of high-school students

Eve Mayes University of Sydney

Students researching teachers’ practice: lines of flight and temporary assemblage conversions in and through a students-as-co-researchers event


Zoe Morris Monash University

What is popular is not always right - Measuring teacher professional behaviour


Roslyn (Rose) Carnes Murdoch University

Education for incarcerated Aboriginal Western Australians: “Education Revolution” or Just Plain Revolting?

Laura Scholes University of Queensland

‘Boys’ experiences as readers in school contexts: Exploring notions of diversity and difference

Sunita Velayutham Curtin University

Development and validation of an instrument to measure students’ motivation and self-regulation in science learning (co-authored)

Emily Berger Monash University

Children’s and Adolescents’ Concepts of Poverty: Association with Cognitive Development and Social Disadvantage (co-authored)

Yvonne Toh Monash University

2x2 Achievement Goal Framework in Learning and Coping


Wai Shan Ku Monash University

Kevin Quin Monash University

Anthony Leow University of Queensland


Sarah Buckley University of Melbourne

Peer relationships in the mathematics classroom: A social network approach to understanding anxiety and motivation

Karen Hawkins University of Southern Queensland

Addressing Lather’s concerns: Practicing in research endeavours what is preached in theoretical formulations


Brenda Holt University of Melbourne

Fiona Morrison Monash University

Emma Richardson Monash University

Malcolm Haase University of Queensland

Nicole Brunker University of Sydney

Carlos Gonzalez University of Sydney

Sarah Howard University of Sydney

Jennifer McMahon James Cook University


Annalies Kamp Deakin University

Velepat Tuaru University of Queensland

Lois Irvin Central Queensland University

Linda Graham Queensland University of Technology

Judy Laverty University of Wollongong

Martha Kamara Australian Catholic University

Christine Steinmetz University of New South Wales

Kate Sherren Australian National University

Jacqueline Kennelly University of British Columbia


Joanne Griffiths University of Western Australia


Deirdre Baron Vic

Murray Drummond WA

Helen Forgasz Vic

Sue Fullarton Vic

John Gardiner WA

Jenny Gardiner Tas

Lyn Harrison Vic

Anne Hurley Vic

Suleiman A. Idris WA

Ruth Kane Qld

Berinderjeet Kaur Vic

Karen Malone Vic

Nola Purdie WA

Julie Ryan Vic


Heather Hussey WA

Gary Pears WA

Rodney Thiele WA

Chris Forlin WA

Annemarie Carroll WA

Margaret Robertson Tas

Lynnette Schaverein NSW

Grace Distant Qld

Petra Lietz SA

David Saltmarsh Vic

Peter Hart Vic

Lynne Outhred NSW

Patricia Weeks Qld

Geoffrey Shacklock SA

Robert Long ACT

Nick Santamaria Vic

Helen Williams Qld


Jayne Keogh Qld

Xudong Wu Tas

Marian Stone NSW

Denise Kirkpatrick WA

Ruby Avotri WA

Peter Kell Vic

Merri Hellsten Qld


Margaret Taplin Tas

Lawrence Antil NSW

Deirdre Young WA

Kwan Chun Lee NSW

Judith Mouseley Vic

Margot Ford NSW

Cathy Dixon WA

Helen Finlay NSW


Judy MacCallum WA

Kate Patrick Vic

Kay Martinez Qld


J. Hewson Qld

J. Marks Vic

Annette Greenall Gough Vic


Rosemary Ludlow-Wells Tas

Mark Sinclair Qld

Michael Garbutcheon Singh Vic


Susan Hall WA

Coralyn Williams WA

This list is incomplete. Please contact the AARE Office should you have information about possible additions to the lis

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