Distinguished Fellow Awards


Inaugurated in 2011, the Distinguished Fellow Award recognises outstanding service and contribution to AARE over an extended period of time.

Call for 2024 Nominations by 11.59pm (AEST) Monday 28th October 2024.

Eligibility criteria

Nominations for the Distinguished Fellow Award will be called for annually via the newsletter and the website. To be bestowed in any year nominations must be received by award deadline set each year. Members nominating a particular candidate should:

  1. Ensure that the candidate fits the eligibility criteria for the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award for Outstanding Service:
    • Current membership of AARE;
    • Long term commitment to AARE evidenced through long term membership of, and active participation in, the Association;
    • Significant contribution to growing, developing and shaping the work of AARE during this period.
  2. Provide a profile of the candidate that provides grounds for the nomination. Pertinent information would include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
    • The candidate's contribution to AARE and the specific ways in which they contributed to growing, developing and shaping the work of AARE;
    • Why these contributions were particularly significant for the Association;
    • The candidate's length of membership of the Association; and 
    • Three brief letters of support from academic colleagues.

Please send all nominations for the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award for Outstanding Service to:

Email: secretary@aare.edu.au 

Selection Procedures

A sub-committee of the Executive, usually chaired by the AARE Secretary, will examine the nominations received and taking into account the criteria for the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award, make a recommendation at an Executive meeting (or out of meeting via email) for one, and under special circumstances more than one, AARE Distinguished Fellow Award. The Executive will, if it accepts the recommendation, pass a resolution to bestow the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award on the nominated member or members.

In addition to the stated criteria, the sub-committee will provide an ongoing review of the gender, regional and disciplinary distribution of the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award. Where marked discrepancies in the distribution occur, the sub-committee will implement positive discrimination procedures.

Informing the Nominated Members

The President of the Association will write to each candidate. The President's letter will inform the successful candidate:

  • that the bestowal of the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award will occur at the annual conference of the Association; and
  • that the candidate is invited to attend the annual conference to accept the award.

Advertising the Decision of the Executive

The decision of the Executive will be recorded in the minutes, and following the President's letter to the nominee and the nominee's acceptance of the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award, the decision will be published on the website.

Bestowing the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award

The Conferences Standing Committee will arrange for a time during the conference for the bestowal of the Award.
Sufficient time should be allowed to:

  • have the President or the President's nominee present a profile of the candidate that provides justification for the bestowal;
  • have the candidate respond;
  • have the President bestow the AARE Distinguished Fellow Award certificate.

The AARE Distinguished Fellow Award Certificate

A certificate will be presented to the AARE Distinguished Fellow that registers the honour bestowed by the Association.

Previous awardees


Professor Jan Wright University of Wollongong

Nominated by Professor Joanne Reid


Ms Debra Cunningham Queensland College of Teachers

Nominated by Dr John Izard

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