What is network ethnography, and how do we use it in education policy research?

Tue, Aug. 13, 2024 15:00:00 — 17:00:00 AEST

Politics and Policy SIG Event

In this interactive session intended for graduate researchers across Australia, Emma Rowe (DeakinU) and Sarah Langman (ACU) will discuss network ethnography and its uses in education policy research, including relevant concepts, examples, and relationships to other approaches such as actor-network theory.

Dr. Emma Rowe is an ARC DECRA Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Education at Deakin University.

Lect. Sarah Langman is a Lecturer in Education Studies at Australian Catholic University.

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This session is jointly sponsored by INDEPTH and the AARE Politics and Policy SIG.

The Inter-Institutional Network for Discussions on Education Policy (INDEPth) is a group of graduate researchers from Monash University, the University of Melbourne and Deakin University interested in promoting conversations on education policy and similar fields (sociology, comparative education, etc.), and is supported by A/Prof. Radhika Gorur, A/Prof. Jason Beech and Sr/Lect. Howard Prosser. Join the mailing list for further information.

The AARE Politics and Policy SIG provides a space within which AARE members can present, discuss and debate research on the production, enactment and impacts of politics and policy in relation to educational issues. The SIG includes members engaged in quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, critical, ethnographic and comparative methodological approaches. For more information and to join the SIG, please see the AARE website SIG page or the SIG’s Linked In Group.

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