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You searched for "Vocational education"

8 results found
Aim:The Professional and Higher Education (PHE) SIG provides a forum for researchers to build critical mass and strategic focus in the areas of higher, professional and vocational education, and workplace and organizational learning. It supports theoretical and methodological discussions across these diverse sites in order to explore big questions facing post-secondary education, enabling members to develop research agendas in relation to student equity, globalization, knowledge, technology, pol…
… post-school pathways being derided. Concerningly, many of these participants faced uneven, fractured and sometimes difficult pathways through university, with a change of degree a common occurrence. This contrasted markedly with their peers who pursued vocational education, who spoke of more secure pathways and post-study jobs. Given evidence elsewhere that up to a third of students who enrol in university do not graduate and data showing that many young people with professional degrees struggl…
Dear AARE Members

I’d like to welcome all new and returning members to AARE. It is a tremendous privilege to begin my term as President of the Association. I look forward to meeting many of you throughout the year and particularly at our annual conference in Melbourne (November 26-30).

The year is already shaping up to be an important one for educational researchers and the education sector broadly. The field of education, covering everything from early childhood education through to tertiary,…
Aims:Our SIG aims to enliven understandings about teachers' and school leaders’ work and lives through research that is conducted by/with/for teachers. We recognise teachers as educators and educational team leaders working in diverse settings including early childhood, primary and secondary schools, skills training institutions, universities (in particular Initial Teacher Education), and other discrete or alternative settings. We use a range of theoretical and methodological frameworks to…
Aim:The AARE Inclusive Education SIG aims to provide a forum for researchers in inclusive education to present research, collaborate and discuss current issues. The SIG endorses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) definition of inclusive education which is outlined in General Comment No. 4 on Article 24, as:

. . . a process of systemic reform embodying changes and modifications in content, teaching methods, approaches, structures and strategies in edu…