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You searched for "Vocational education"

10 results found
New book release now available.

Purchase your copy from Melbourne University Press: Raewyn Connell: Research, Politics, Social Change by Raewyn Connell. 

The book is a selection from the author's writing from the 1970s to the 2010s, intended to show how knowledge about major social issues develops and deepens.

The selection includes five themes important in the author's work: 

1. Understanding masculinities
2. The concept of gender
3. The ruling class in Australia
4. Social…
Working towards equity of access to higher education remains a fundamental issue of social justice. Despite substantial efforts to redress historical exclusions via a wealth of government and institutional policies, longstanding enrolment patterns persist and new forms of inequality have emerged in a deeply stratified system. Community Matters: The Complex Links Between Community and Young People’s Aspirations for Higher Education offers a new lens on equity of access.

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Thank you to our Executive Committee members who met on 15th and 16th June at the University of Sydney. It was a full agenda that considered and decided upon a range of important items and initiatives, including:

An Executive position statement supporting a ‘Yes’ vote at the forthcoming Referendum on the amendment to the Australian constitution to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament
Approval of the 2023-2024 SIG Funding applications; it is wonderful to see…
AARE is seeking an outstanding scholar to take on a role as Series Editor (General) working alongside, Professor Greg Thompson (QUT) and Professor Marcia McKenzie (University of Melbourne). This follows the conclusion of Associate Professor Jessica Gerrard’s term as series editor. We sincerely thank Jess for her commitment to advancing the series and all her work in the role.
The initial appointment will be for 3 years with the possibility of a further or extended term subject to consideration…
AARE Executive Committee Election 2023The AARE Executive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience.

We invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee. 
>> 2023 Call for nominations for the AARE Executive

AARE’s volunteer office bearers play an integral role in enabling the association to advance its mission and purpose an…
PurposeThe Technology and Learning SIG awards acknowledge outstanding conference papers in the field of technology and learning research in education within the Australian context.

There are two awards, one is for an early career researcher and the other award is for a mid-career researcher.

The awards were established to encourage researchers to present their research at the annual conference and to become actively involved in the Technology and Learning SIG.

AwardFunding round: single round…
As in previous years, the British Education Research Association (BERA) has invited AARE to submit a representative symposium for inclusion in their annual conference – which this year will be held in partnership with the WERA Focal Meeting. In 2024, the BERA conference will be held in person at the University of Manchester, 8 September 2024 to 12 September 2024.

This year's conference will celebrate BERA’s 50th anniversary and WERA’s 15th anniversary as learned societies, and is expected…
Upcoming Events:

2023 Student Voice Symposium

Partnership opportunities across the curriculum

In association with ACSV and REDI

The 2023 Student Voice Symposium will focus on “partnership opportunities”, across two focus areas: curriculum and pedagogy. This symposium will take on a different format to previous years, being spread across three days, over three weeks. Each webinar session will hear from a different expert in the field, followed by a Q&A session. Sessions 1 and 2 will take…
On May 15, AARE jointly hosted with ATEA and ACDE an online forum on ‘What counts as evidence in teacher education research and policy?’ We had a great turn-out, with close to 150 people joining in to hear our esteemed panellists: Prof Penny Van Bergen (Wollongong); Matthew Clarke (Aberdeen); Jenny Gore (Newcastle); and Sam Sellar (UniSa); with the panel ably chaired by Jo Lampert (Monash). The presentations offered compelling and diverse perspectives and prompted lots of engaged responses from…
The day-to-day affairs of the Association are managed by an Executive Committee, most of whom are elected by the general membership of the Association. The composition of the Executive and terms of office for the various positions are specified in the Association's Constitution. Current Executive Committee membership is shown below.

Correspondence to do with individual portfolios and general correspondence to the Executive should be directed via the AARE Office.  

Office Holder…