AARE Representative Symposium at BERA 2024


As in previous years, the British Education Research Association (BERA) has invited AARE to submit a representative symposium for inclusion in their annual conference – which this year will be held in partnership with the WERA Focal Meeting. In 2024, the BERA conference will be held in person at the University of Manchester, 8 September 2024 to 12 September 2024.

This year's conference will celebrate BERA’s 50th anniversary and WERA’s 15th anniversary as learned societies, and is expected to be the largest BERA conference in the Association's history.

The BERA Representative Symposium provides the opportunity to profile some of AARE's leading research in an international forum. The selected members will importantly have the honour of representing AARE in this international forum.
AARE members who are interested in this opportunity to represent AARE, are invited to submit an Expression of Interest which includes a symposium proposal (see details of BERA's specifications below) to represent AARE at the 2024 BERA conference.

Submissions that include researchers at different career stages, and proposals that draw on international networks where appropriate are welcome. 

Please note that as the opportunity is to represent AARE in this international forum:
  • The organiser and Chair must be a AARE member
  • The lead author of all papers included in the symposium must be a AARE member. Papers may have international or non-member colleagues involved as co-authors.
  • The Discussant may be a AARE member or non-member, for example an international colleague who is not a AARE member.
At least one author of all papers included, who is a AARE member, must attend the BERA conference in person to present. If this is not possible, and unless there are extenuating circumstances, AARE reserves the right to reverse the decision and remove support. Please ensure that all presenters understand they will be expected to attend the conference if the symposium is selected. 
To support this activity, AARE provides funding of up to $5000 per symposium (total) to contribute to the travel costs of presenters. Reimbursements will be available with receipts. Members involved may decide how this support is distributed amongst the team. Only AARE members may access this support.

If you are interested, please submit your EOI with symposium proposal attached to the AARE office via the attached form by COB Monday 4th March 2024.

The Symposium Proposal for submission must follow the following format:
  • Convenor/Organiser name
  • Discussant/Chair name 
  • Title (50 words)  
  • Abstract (750 words max) - detail the focus for the symposium and also include the title and a short paragraph about each paper in the symposium. Ensure there is a clear focus for the symposium and each paper therein must be clearly related to the overall focus/theme of the symposium
  • References (250 words max)
  • Names and affiliations of all authors, indicating which authors will be presenting authors.
A selection committee will review all proposals against the following criteria: 
  • Clarity of the focus of the research;
  • Originality of the symposium proposal;
  • Rigour and coherence of the symposium and its individual papers;
  • Significance of the research for education practice, policy or theory;
  • Diversity of panel representation, including career stage mix;
  • Panels able to attend in person.
If your EOI is successful, you will be notified by 11th March 2024, with the final Symposium Proposal due to be submitted to BERA by 15th March, 2024.

The Representative Symposium will be highlighted in the BERA Conference Program. Presenters will be able to register at the BERA member rate.

If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Annette Woods at secretary@aare.edu.au