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You searched for "males in elementary"

10 results found
A Special interest Group (SIG) is a group of 15 or more AARE members with shared research interests. SIGs support networking with fellow researchers and are a benefit of their membership with AARE. SIGs undertake a diverse range of activities including organising events, discussion groups, research training, convening symposia, contributions to AARE news and the Australian Educational Researcher, etc. AARE members volunteer as SIG Convenors. The SIGs Co-ordinator oversees all the SIGs and is an…
Rationale:The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Special Interest Group (SIG) was founded at the Adelaide Conference of AARE in 2013.  Since then, we have worked to increase the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation within AARE including an Aboriginal Interpretive Tour and an Indigenous Keynote Speaker.  Our Indigenous led SIG brings together both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous peoples, inclusive of Masters and PhD Research students, early car…
Aim:The Arts Education Practice and Research (AEPR) special interest group aims to facilitate networking opportunities, the dissemination of knowledge and creative collaborations amongst arts educators and arts education researchers across and beyond Australia.  We are keen to establish strong national cross-institutional links to foster future research partnerships within the Arts; particularly as the field approaches an increasingly significant period of discussion on the place of Arts Educati…
Purpose:The purpose of the Assessment and Measurement SIG is to provide a forum where AARE members with an interest in educational assessment and measurement can meet to discuss relevant research, theory and its implications for classroom practice, and assessment policy.

Research interests:Qualitative and quantitative approaches across all phases of education to:

classroom assessment, and
standardised assessment in education.
This includes:

approaches to formative and summative assessment inc…
Aim: The Early Childhood SIG has been established with the aim of providing an on-going space where interested AARE members can share their research in a supportive environment with the purpose of building research capacity. In providing this forum it is hoped that early childhood research will be promoted and encouraged with the emergence of collaborative research projects between SIG members. The SIG will also facilitate networking and discussions around important issues impacting on the early…
Aim: The SIG aims to:

promote, encourage and facilitate research in educational leadership, management and administration;
foster collaborative research in educational leadership and management among members (and friends) of AARE, academic and practitioner;
develop networks of researchers interested in educational leadership and management; and
establish a forum within AARE to share research in this area eg. AARE Conference Symposiums.
Research interests:Research Interests among members include…
Aim:The aim of this special interest group is to promote a forum for scholars working at the intersection of philosophical and educational thought. It places scholarship that is informed by philosophical traditions such as epistemology, ontology, phenomenology, ethics, and political philosophy in conversation with the central concepts, values, and assumptions that underpin educational practice, research, and policy. The educational philosophy and theory special interest group aims to gather rese…
Aim:The ESE SIG aims to bring together Australian and international researchers passionate about environmental and sustainability education research, policy and practice. As a collective we aim to be a place for promoting new directions in environmental and sustainability education.

The planet has entered a new geologic era - the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene represents the devastating impact that humankind has had upon Earth. It also represents a renewed opportunity to re-think, re-imagine an…
Rationale:The research areas of gender, sexualities and cultural studies are brought together by an interest in the politics of everyday life. Broadly speaking, our interest lies in the everyday ways in which adults and young people embody, perform and express gendered and sexualised identities in varying contexts. Scholars in this SIG address the cultural politics that accrue in relation to identity work and explore how different practices and identifications shape experiences and interpretatio…
Aim:We aim to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to share their research and knowledge about teaching and learning in contexts or on topics that pertain to international education and educational systems globally. The connections provided by our network aim to assist researchers and teachers to discuss, debate and theorize, share research findings and establish research partnerships with across the scope of national and international education contexts. These activities will be su…