2024 Call for nominations for the AARE Executive


The AARE Executive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience. 
We invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee.  
AARE’s volunteer office bearers play an integral role in enabling the association to advance its mission and purpose and to meet its corporate and legal obligations. Nominations for the following positions on the Executive Committee of AARE must be submitted to the AARE Secretary via the online form by 11.59pm Monday 30 September 2024.   

Call for nominations to fill a three year term 2025-2027 

Research Development Coordinator 
Call for nominations to fill a three year term 2025-2027 

Ordinary Member, Postgraduate Student 
Call for nominations to fill a 2 year term 2025-2026 

Ordinary Member 
Call for nominations to fill a 2 year term 2025-2026 

More information on how to nominate together with position descriptions for the above roles and the Executive Office Bearer Policy can be found at the AARE website.  
The time, experience, and expertise invested by Executive Committee members is an invaluable asset for AARE and the education research community. Executive Committee members derive a significant benefit from their participation through having a direct impact on causes they care deeply about and making a contribution worthy of recognition.  
We trust that serving on the Executive Committee will benefit members through:  

  • having a direct impact through service to a discipline they care deeply about 
  • expanding professional networks 
  • developing skills in Board membership and leadership 
  • providing a sense of personal satisfaction at contributing to a major professional association 

AARE members who are interested in finding out more about the positions open for election in 2024 are invited to contact current office bearers and/or the Executive Management Team to learn more.