Local/Global Issues in Education FINAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2024


The AARE-Routledge book series Local/Global Issues in Education Series Editors warmly invite proposals for edited books and monographs. The editorial team is currently assessing submissions to date for 2024 while extending this call for proposals. 
Proposals for either edited collections or monographs to be published in 2025/26 should be submitted via email to the Series Editors by 31 August 2024 at LGIEeditors@aare.edu.au.  

Local/Global Issues in Education publishes high-quality empirical, theoretical and conceptual research using a range of methods to contribute to ongoing educational dialogue in Australia and globally. Sponsored by AARE, this book series includes work that emanates from Australia that speaks to these global issues, or that bears relevance to the Australian context while more broadly focused on global trends and directions in education from researchers outside Australia. 

This year, we are particularly interested in receiving submissions concerning Indigenous and settler colonial studies, critical race scholarship and gender and sexuality studies in education. However, submissions relating to additional areas of inquiry are also very welcome. 

We seek cutting-edge work that honours difference and recognises the need for research from multiple places, utilising diverse theories and methods to further education policy and practice.
To view proposal requirements and instructions for submission, please download the guidelines here. Existing books in the series can be found here.  
Submissions should be directed to the Series Editors at LGIEeditors@aare.edu.au

Greg Thompson (QUT)
Marcia McKenzie (Melbourne)
Katie Maher (UniSA)
Sam Schulz (Adelaide)