Abstract submission form

Call for presenters and abstract submission

As economies and schools emerge from the pandemic, it is time to take an opportunity to examine how schools effectively support the needs of students by including their voices in the reshaping and rebuilding activities that are taking place.  Building on our commitment to empower children and student voice, agency and participation, some questions we ask are:

  1. How can student voice become more inclusive? 
  2. What were school-system priorities in the age of coronavirus?
  3. How have schools addressed the increase in highly specialised support services required such as mental health? 
  4. How was the new classroom digital interface co-designed with children and students as partners? 
  5. How do school systems ensure the needs of the most vulnerable voices are (and will be) met? 

Although these questions were as pertinent pre- and during pandemic,coronavirus has brought the matters of inclusivity even more to the forefront.  As such, we are calling out for abstracts within three key areas: 

  • Inclusive student voices
  • Student voice and support services
  • Student voice and co-design/partnerships during and post-pandemic

Key dates:

Call for abstracts: 

1 September

Abstract submissions close:

25 September

Presenters notified: 

30 September

Registration and online program:          

5 October

Early bird registration closes:

25 October

Registration closes:

13 November


The preference is to have either live presentations or a combination of pre-corded and live.  The length of the presentation will be 20 minutes with 5-10 minute Q and A directly afterwards.


Various panels will be formed of a combined group of researchers, teachers and students where key topical questions will be asked.  Please indicate when you submit your abstract if you would also like to be part of a panel.

Breakout and discussion forums

Breakout and discussion forums will be facilitated by either a committee member or conference attendee where one topic will be addressed and discussed in length.