You searched for "males in elementary"
10 results found
Aim:The Health and Physical Education Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to bring together researchers with shared interests in health and physical education, as well as those who focus on the educational dimensions of health, physical activity and sport. The group includes scholars from a variety of areas within the field of health and physical education, including early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, adult education and broader social settings. …
Aim:This SIG aims to develop a vibrant and supportive community of scholarsworking in the fields of History Education and Historyof Education. The SIG will provide opportunities to advance innovative and robust research in the history of education and history education, foster national and international networks among scholars and thebuilding of cross-institutional research partnerships, and actively mentor early career researchers and doctoral students working in history and education.
This SI…
This SI…
Aim:The AARE Inclusive Education SIG aims to provide a forum for researchers in inclusive education to present research, collaborate and discuss current issues. The SIG endorses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) definition of inclusive education which is outlined in General Comment No. 4 on Article 24, as:
. . . a process of systemic reform embodying changes and modifications in content, teaching methods, approaches, structures and strategies in edu…
. . . a process of systemic reform embodying changes and modifications in content, teaching methods, approaches, structures and strategies in edu…
Aim:To foster networking and dialogue between researchers whose interests involve literacy and/or language research, broadly defined. The group is inclusive in relation to theoretical perspectives, methodologies, levels of schooling, and contexts of research. It welcomes researchers at all stages of career and aims to provide a supportive environment in conferences and events.
Research interests:Members’ interests include:
literacy/language curriculum, pedagogies and assessment;
digital and m…
Research interests:Members’ interests include:
literacy/language curriculum, pedagogies and assessment;
digital and m…
Purpose:Members of the Motivation & Learning SIG are interested in issues relating to complexity of learning, instruction, and motivation for both students and teachers in the contemporary classroom. The aim of this SIG is to bring together international researchers interested in contributing to a better understanding of how learning processes, instructional quality, and motivation impact students’ and teachers’ academic lives. This is related to the intra- and interpersonal motivational pro…
Aim:The Politics and Policy in Education SIG provides a space within which AARE members can present, discuss and debate research on the production, enactment and impacts of politics and policy in relation to educational issues. The SIG includes members engaged in quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, critical, ethnographic and comparative methodological approaches. It brings together researchers from a broad variety of disciplines and professional areas to foster and support the conduct, coll…
Purpose:This SIG is the home of post structural theory, post qualitative methodologies and posthuman research manifestations in education. Feminist and new materialist theory is engaged with and promoted along with the turn to affect within educational research. We also embrace creative, critical and arts based thinking and practices.
Research interests:
Post qualitative methodologies
New materialism
Creative Methodologies
Research interests:
Post qualitative methodologies
New materialism
Creative Methodologies
Aim:The Professional and Higher Education (PHE) SIG provides a forum for researchers to build critical mass and strategic focus in the areas of higher, professional and vocational education, and workplace and organizational learning. It supports theoretical and methodological discussions across these diverse sites in order to explore big questions facing post-secondary education, enabling members to develop research agendas in relation to student equity, globalization, knowledge, technology, pol…
Aim:This is to provide a broader space to discuss, explore ideas and debate qualitative methodological issues (such as ethics and research designs) in social and educational contexts. This change endeavours to address the wider spectrum of methodologies that are emerging and merging with others. The SIG welcomes exploration of all qualitative methodologies, including (but not limited to) action research, arts-based research, autoethnography, biographical research, case studies, decolonising meth…
Aim:The Rural Education Special Interest Group aims to foster and promote research and scholarly work into the needs of rural, regional and remote schools and other educational settings and their communities.
Rationale:A focus on rural education is imperative for the economic and social well being for vibrant and productive rural communities. Across Australia there are many different research groups focusing of the needs of rural schools and their communities. This SIG provides a place for the…
Rationale:A focus on rural education is imperative for the economic and social well being for vibrant and productive rural communities. Across Australia there are many different research groups focusing of the needs of rural schools and their communities. This SIG provides a place for the…